Blocks - HelloCrossy/WondersOfTheWorld GitHub Wiki

Functional blocks

Tip: try using your browsers "find" function (ctrl+f) to search for a specific block!

Enrichment blocks

Decorative blocks

Some decorative blocks, like fences and lamps, may have additional functions, just not ones immediately affecting zoo animals.

Building and amenities

Cracked Stone

  • Cracked Stone
  • Light Cracked Stone
  • Mossy Cracked Stone
  • Mesa Cracked Stone
  • Desert Cracked Stone
  • Arctic Cracked Stone

Breeze Block

  • Breeze Block
  • Breeze Block Stairs
  • Breeze Block Slab
  • Breeze Block Wall

Defined Breeze Block

  • Defined Breeze Block
  • Defined Breeze Block Stairs
  • Defined Breeze Block Slab
  • Defined Breeze Block Wall

Red Brick

  • Red Brick
  • Red Brick Stairs
  • Red Brick Slab
  • Red Brick Wall

Fine Dirt

Fine Sand

Dry Cobblestone

Gift shop and fun decorations

Animal plush

  • Emu Plush
  • Scimitar Horned Oryx Plush
  • Bongo Plush
  • Takin Plush
  • Kiwi Plush