Variable; UIPings - HWRM/KarosGraveyard GitHub Wiki

From "data\ui\pings\pings.lua".

HUGE = 1
LOD0 = AREA(120, 200)
LOD1 = AREA(64, 128)
LOD2 = AREA(32, 64)
LOD3 = AREA(16, 32)
TINY = AREA(1, 1)
INFINITE = 100000000000000000000.0

PPI_PingSize = 0
PPI_Label = 1
PPI_FootScale = 2
PPI_FootColour = 3
PPI_Description0 = 4
PPI_Description1 = 5
PPI_Description2 = 6
PPI_Description3 = 7
PPN_NumberParams = 8

NoPriority = 0
LowPriority = 10
MediumPriority = 50
HighPriority = 75

PingManagerUpdateRate float

templates table

<PingName> table

minGrowSize float
maxGrowSize float
minWorldSize float
growTime float
pauseTime float
lifespan float
metaSelPriority float
metaSelPrioritySM float
battleStatusGood float
battleStatusBad float
minWidth float
minHeight float
pingSfxPatch string path
emitterSfxPatch string path
battleGoodPatch string path
battleBadPatch string path
footColour a table containing RGBA components
mouseOverFootColour a table containing RGBA components
<ElementClass> table

scaleParam float
<ElementType> table: mesh|texture|text

colour a table containing RGBA components
lineWeight float
dropshadow boolian
renderFlags a table containing two strings
LODs table containing integer/string pairs

placement2D table

factorX float
factorY float
plusX float
plusY float
factorWidth float
factorHeight float
minWidth float
minHeight float
maxWidth float
maxHeight float
minATIArea float
maxATIArea float
visibility table containing strings beginning with "PVF_"
invisibility table containing strings beginning with "PVF_"
placementFlags table containing two strings


Page Status

Updated Formatting? Initial
Updated for HWRM? Initial