Variable; UIOrderFeedback - HWRM/KarosGraveyard GitHub Wiki


"Lua config file for the command feedback system, defines the appearance of the feedback lines and circles."

TRUE = 1

pingScale float. the amount a feedback ping scales
fullTime float. how long the feedback stays fullbright (when using default values for the fade slider)
fadeTime float. how long it takes the feedback to fade away
pingLifetime float. how long the feedback ping lasts
pingETGEffect string path. the ETG effect that is spawned as the ping

Default table. default values for all command types

showFeedback boolian. should feedback be shown for this command
pulseSize float. pulse size, in fraction of total line length
pulseHertz float. number of times per seconds the pulse happens
pulseColour a table containing RGBA components. the colour of the pulse of the feedback line
headColour a table containing RGBA components. the colour of the head of the feedback line
tailColour a table containing RGBA components. the colour of the tail of the feedback line


table. command specific values. See Command Names.
showFeedback boolian. should feedback be shown for this command
pulseSize float. pulse size, in fraction of total line length
pulseHertz float. number of times per seconds the pulse happens
pulseColour a table containing RGBA components. the colour of the pulse of the feedback line
headColour a table containing RGBA components. the colour of the head of the feedback line
tailColour a table containing RGBA components. the colour of the tail of the feedback line


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Updated Formatting? Initial
Updated for HWRM? Initial