Variable; ProfileStats - HWRM/KarosGraveyard GitHub Wiki

Found in the "Bin\Profiles\Profile<n>\Stats" directory.

MapName table: an ASCII code representation of the level's name.
Player<n> table: there is one for each player.


BuildCapableShips integer: the total number of ships in the player's fleet with a build-capability.
BuildingTotal integer: the player's building score. Also, the total number of RUs spent on building.
Research% integer: the percent of the entire research tree completed.
ResearchCost integer: the total number of RUs spent on research.
TotalSubsystems integer: the number of subsystems built.

COMBAT table

CombatTotal integer: the player's combat score.
TotalShipsBuilt integer: the total number of squadrons built.
TotalShipsCaptured integer: the total number of squadrons that the player managed to capture.
TotalShipsDestroyed integer: the total number of squadrons that the player managed to destroy.
TotalShipsLost integer: the total number of ships lost by the player.


DiplomacyTotal integer: the player's diplomacy score.
Team integer: the ID number of the team that the player belonged to.
TimeOfDeath date formatted number: the player's time of death.
TributeDonated integer: the total number of RUs donated by the player.
TributeReceived integer: the total number of RUs donated to the player.


Name string: the player's name.
Race string: the player's race.


BuildingTotal integer: the player's building score.
CombatTotal integer: the player's combat score.
DiplomacyTotal integer: the player's diplomacy score.
OverviewTotal integer: the player's overall score.
ResourceTotal integer: the player's resourcing score.


MobileRefineries integer: the total number of refineries built by the player.
ResourceCollectors integer: the total number of collectors built by the player.
ResourceTotal integer: the player's resourcing score.
TotalRUHarvested integer: the total number of RUs harvested by the player.
TotalRUSpent integer: the total number of RUs spent by the player.

TotalTime string: the string "GAME LENGTH" followed by the game length in hours:minutes:seconds format.


Page Status

Updated Formatting? Initial
Updated for HWRM? Initial