Variable; Abilities - HWRM/KarosGraveyard GitHub Wiki


SobGroup abilities. These are just named number references which can be passed to various stock functions, such as SobGroup_CanDoAbility.


-- Disable dock ability for all ships in "my-sobgroup" ('1' would enable it)
SobGroup_AbilityActivate("my-sobgroup", AB_Dock, 0);


Variable Value Notes
AB_None 0 Unknown, potentially active if all others are disabled.
AB_Move 1
AB_Attack 2 Ship can receive/perform attack commands. Distinct from AB_Targeting.
AB_Guard 3
AB_Repair 4
AB_Cloak 5
AB_Harvest 6
AB_Mine 7
AB_Capture 8
AB_Dock 9
AB_AcceptDocking 10
AB_Builder 11 Any build capabilities including subs
AB_Stop 12 Stop command ('S' while unit selected)
AB_Hyperspace 13
AB_Parade 14
AB_FormHyperspaceGate 15
AB_HyperspaceViaGate 16
AB_SensorPing 17
AB_SpecialAttack 18 Such as heavy vette burst
AB_Retire 19
AB_DefenseField 20
AB_DefenseFieldShield 21 Ambient effects for ships within the shield, such as radiation shielding.
AB_HyperspaceInhibitor 22
AB_Salvage 23 Unknown whether this refers to salcap or ru salvaging.
AB_Scuttle 24
AB_UseSpecialWeaponsInNormalAttack 25 Such as hgn_attackbomber which uses special weapons in normal firing only vs subsystems.
AB_Steering 26 Ship can influence its orientation.
AB_Targeting 27 Ship can target enemies with weapons - use this over AB_Attack to disable/enable a ships weapons.
AB_Sensors 28
AB_Lights 29
AB_Custom 31 Such as hw1 gravwell ability

Related Pages

Variable Reference


These constants are predefined; this list may be incomplete.

This list was compiled via looking at usage in stock code. For example, ability 30 is unknown, if it exists.

Page Status

Updated Formatting? Yes
Updated for HWRM? Initial