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7. Adding Ships & Megaliths

addSquadron("SquadronName", "SquadronType", {X, Z, Y,}, F, {A, B, C,} ?, H);

Default values: addSquadron("BigProduction", "vgr_shipyard", {0, 0, 0,}, -1, {0, 0, 0,}, 0, 0);

Use A, B and C to rotate the ship. Some ships (like vgr_planetkiller) will need to be rotated. In the case of the planetkiller, set its A value to 270.

F determines who controls it. If F is -1, no one controls it and it is capturable. If it is set to 0, player[0] controls it, if it is set to 1, player[1] controls it, etc.

H determines if the squadron should be created in hyperspace or in real space. It takes the values 1 or 0, respectively.

SquadronName can be anything you want.

SquadronType can be any of the following:


These work:
hgn_assaultcorvette, hgn_assaultcorvetteelite, hgn_assaultfrigate, hgn_attackbomber, hgn_attackbomberelite, hgn_battlecruiser, hgn_carrier, hgn_defensefieldfrigate, hgn_destroyer, hgn_dreadnaught, hgn_ecmprobe, hgn_gunturret, hgn_hscore, hgn_interceptor, hgn_ioncannonfrigate, hgn_marinefrigate, hgn_marinefrigate_soban, hgn_minelayercorvette, hgn_mothership, hgn_probe, hgn_proximitysensor, hgn_pulsarcorvette, hgn_resourcecollector, hgn_resourcecontroller, hgn_scout, hgn_shipyard, hgn_shipyard_elohim, hgn_shipyard_spg, hgn_targetdrone, hgn_torpedofrigate

These don't work:
hgn_cloakingfrigate, hgn_drone_frigate, hgn_drone_frigate_2, hgn_drone_frigate_3, hgn_gunplatform, hgn_pulsarplatform, hgn_supportfrigate, hgn_battlecruiserionbeamturret, hgn_cloudexplode


These work:
vgr_assaultfrigate, vgr_battlecruiser, vgr_bomber, vgr_carrier, vgr_commandcorvette, vgr_commstation, vgr_destroyer, vgr_heavymissilefrigate, vgr_hyperspace_platform, vgr_infiltrator_frigate, vgr_interceptor, vgr_lancefighter, vgr_lasercorvette, vgr_minelayercorvette, vgr_missilecorvette, vgr_mothership, vgr_mothership_makaan, vgr_planetkiller, vgr_planetkillermissile, vgr_prisonstation, vgr_probe, vgr_probe_ecm, vgr_probe_prox, vgr_resourcecollector, vgr_resourcecontroller, vgr_scout, vgr_shipyard, vgr_weaponplatform_gun, vgr_weaponplatform_missile

These don't work:
vgr_artillerycruiser, vgr_listeningpost, vgr_transportfrigate


kpr_attackdroid, kpr_destroyer, kpr_destroyerm10, kpr_mover, kpr_mover_capture, kpr_mover_salvage, kpr_sajuuk, kpr_sajuuk_nosensors

Megaliths: these are huge; they make great map props!

meg_asteroid, meg_asteroid_nosubs, meg_asteroid_mp, meg_balcoragate, meg_bentus, meg_bentus_ruin_1 (up to 11), meg_bentus_ruined, meg_bentus_ruins_core_1 (up to core_3), meg_bigred, meg_chimera, meg_dreadnaughtberth, meg_foundry, meg_foundrydebris_chunk1 (up to 4), meg_foundrydebris_flake1 (up to 4), meg_gehenna_1 (up to 7), meg_misslefrigate (yes, spelled like that), meg_progenitorpowermodule, meg_progenitorpowertrigger, meg_progenitorpowertrigger_noui, meg_sajhulknose, meg_sajhulknose_ui, meg_sajhulkpanels, meg_sajhulkpanels_ui, meg_sajhulkturret, meg_salvagecollector, meg_tanis, meg_tanisstructure_medium, meg_tanisstructure_medium2, meg_veildebris_bit1 (up to 15), meg_veildebris_chunk1 (up to 5; alternate versions have "_nd" on the end), meg_veildebris_chunk_lighthouse, meg_veildebris_flake1 (up to 10)


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