Tutorial; MappingResources - HWRM/KarosGraveyard GitHub Wiki

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8. Adding Resources & Clouds

The following objects must be placed in the DetermChunk portion of your level file.
These you can copy and paste into your maps. Just tweak the settings, assign coordinates, and voila you have stuff in your map!
FYI: The word "Determ" in DetermChunk refers to deterministic data.


addAsteroid("AsteroidType", {X, Z, Y,}, RU, ?, ?, ?, ?)

Default values: addAsteroid("Asteroid_3", {0.0, 0.0, 0.0,}, 100, 0, 0, 0, 0)

AsteroidType ranges from Asteroid_1 to Asteroid_5, with 1 being the smallest and 5 being the largest. Only 3, 4 and 5 are harvestable, 1 and 2 are purely ornamental.

RU is a multiplier applied to the default RU amount contained by each asteroid type. The larger the asteroid, the more RU it contains by default. An RU value of 100 means 100% of this default RU count, 70 is 70%, etc. A value of 0 means that the asteroid contains no resources, and is purely ornamental.

Default asteroid stats: Level 3 asteroids have 9000 RU, level 4s have 18,000 RU, and level 5s have 40,000 RU. Level 3s can support one collector, Level 4s can support two, and Level 5s can support three collectors at a time.

Salvageable Debris:**__

addSalvage("ChunkType", {X, Z, Y,}, RU, ?, ?, ?, ?)

Default values: addSalvage("Slv_Chunk_Lrg03", {0.0, 0.0, 0.0,}, 100, 0, 0, 0, 0)

ChunkType ranges from Slv_Chunk_Lrg01 to Slv_Chunk_Lrg05, with 1 being the smallest and 5 being the largest. You can also put in Slv_Chunk_Sml01 through to 08.

RU is a multiplier applied to the default RU amount contained in each debris chunk. This works the same as with asteroids.

Dust Clouds:**__ these obscure sensors and can be charged with ion beams

addDustCloud("?", "DustCloudType", {X, Z, Y,}, {R, G, B, A,}, ?, Size)

Default values: addDustCloud("polySurface1", "DustCloud_NoRes", {0.0, 0.0, 0.0,}, {1, 1, 1, 1,}, 0.0, 0.0)

DustCloudType can be any of the following:

DustCloud_0 DustCloud_NoRes DustCloud_NoRes_M05 DustCloud_NoRes2 DustCloud_NoRes2_M05 DustCloud_NoRes3 DustCloud_NoRes3_M05 DustCloud_NoRes_NoCharge DustCloud_Teal
Note: using DustCloud_NoRes_NoCharge crashes the game.

R**,** G**,** B is the RGB code (0 to 255).

A is the alpha transparency (0 to 1).

Size is the dust cloud's diameter.

Nebulae:**__ these damage ships!

addNebula("?", "NebulaType", {X, Z, Y,}, {R, G, B, A,}, ?, Size)

Default values: addNebula("Nebula4_OLD1", "M11_Bentusi_Radiation", {0.0, 0.0, 0.0,}, {1, 1, 1, 1,}, 0.0, 0.0)

NebulaType can be any of the following:

M05_DustCloud_Nebula M05_NebualDustCloud_NoRes M05_NebualDustCloud_NoRes2 M05_NebualDustCloud_NoRes3 M07_Foundry_Radiation M08_NoDamage_Radiation M11_Bentusi_Debris M11_Bentusi_Radiation MP_Bentusi_Radiation Nebula01_Cream Nebula01_Teal Nebula_0 Nebula_Hiding Radiation.

R, G, B is the RGB code (0 to 255).

A is the alpha transparency (0 to 1).

Size is the dust cloud's diameter.
Note: for the NebulaType, "nebula" is often mispelled "nebual".
Note: nebulae are only colored on the side that is lit by the local lighsources. -bobthedog
Note: the misty fog will only be seen when looking toward the center of the nebula in a 90 degree arch left or right of center. If you look at a object in the nebula, away from the center of the nebula, the misty effect disappears. So this makes populating a map difficult, where all visable directions show a fog effect. You will need to put many nebulas, where the center is on the edge of the map and not in the center of the map. -iron_man123
Note: damage is done at about 200 HP per second. And, damage can't stack (i.e., overlapping several nebulae does not inflict more damage), though the effect of a dustcloud or nebula on an object's detectability via sensors does stack (i.e., overlapping several dust clouds or nebulae does make an object harder to detect using sensors).


The last four parameters of the addAsteroid and addSalvage commands can be used to set the orientation and spin of the object. The first three are the X, Z, Y orientation of the object. Use them so all your objects don't line up the same way. The last parameter appears to be a toggle. Set it to 1 to turn on spin. Objects set this way don't always spin. Whether they spin and how fast appears to be randomly set.

--c-67-163-111-210.client.comcast.net (2004-02-22 17:26:36)

"Set it to 1 to turn on spin. Objects set this way don't always spin. Whether they spin and how fast appears to be randomly set" Does this Sync out multiplayer online? If not it adds some interesting possabilitys

--MccannColm (2005-07-15 08:54:11)

FYI, I was never able to get them to spin.

--Mikali (2006-07-03 01:35:48)

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