Function; SobGroup_DockSobGroup - HWRM/KarosGraveyard GitHub Wiki

SobGroup_DockSobGroup(<sSobGroupName>, <sSobGroupDockToName>)


Makes <sSobGroupName> dock with <sSobGroupDockToName>. Note: if several ships within <sSobGroupDockToName> have shipholds, the closest will be selected even if it is already busy (unlike the 'dock' command from UI).


SobGroup_DockSobGroup( "Player_Ships0", "Mothership")


<sSobGroupName>, <sSobGroupDockToName>: the names of the sobgroups.


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Function Reference

SCAR (SCripting at Relic) Reference


From my experience with this function, not only does it send all <sSobGroupName> to the closest <sSobGroupDockToName> even if it's ShipHold is full, but will actually overload the <sSobGroupDockToName>. Example: I once saw a BattleCruiser repairing 12 StrikeCraft even though it's max capacity was 5.

--GreyGhost (2006-06-08 11:44:49)

True, but to my knowledge the same happens with the UI dock command: the damaged squadrons remain in excess of the carrier capacity.

--SunTzu (2006-06-08 12:26:50)

When I say repairing 12 StrikeCraft I mean all at the same time. Not waiting outside for a slot to free up.

--GreyGhost (2006-06-08 20:03:08)

Yes, this happens during normal gameplay, as well. I guess it could be considered a bug.

--Mikali (2006-07-03 01:27:52)

I just assumed the game didn't allow this nomally, but I know now that I was wrong. The dock procedure is apparently pretty simple. The buggy part about it is each new docked ship becomes the main repair focus for that ship. So if you have 5 ships docked in a Battlecruiser one of which is just about to finish repairing, it stops getting repaired if more ships dock.

--GreyGhost (2006-07-06 15:32:32)

I never noticed that.

--Mikali (2006-07-18 01:27:44)

The real "bug" with this function is that it sends the squadron to the nearest carrier no matter what, whereas the dock order given by UI selects the carrier on the basis of distance -and- available ship hold.

--SunTzu (2006-08-17 11:00:50)

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