Function; HW2_CreateEventPointerSubSystem - HWRM/KarosGraveyard GitHub Wiki

HW2_CreateEventPointerSobGroup(<sSubSystemType>, <sSobGroupName>)


Creates an event pointer to the specified subsystem on the lead ship of the specified sobgroup and returns a pointer index.
Note: this function is defined in "data\scripts\scar\scar_util.lua". It is the same function as AddSubSystemFromSobGroup with a predefined white colour.


g_pointer_default = HW2_CreateEventPointerSubSystem( "FighterProduction", "Mothership" )


<sSubSystemType>: the type of the subsystem to point to (as defined with NewSubSystemType.typeString within the subsystem files)
<sSobGroupName>: the name of the sobgroup containing the subsystem

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