RoboMaster S1 movement capabilities. - HU-ICT-LAB/RobotWars GitHub Wiki

Which actions can the RoboMaster perform in terms of movement?

Driving directions

The RoboMaster has omni-wheels instead of normal wheels as stated in: S1 Hardware Details. With these wheels de RoboMaster can drive in all directions in a 360 degree radius around himself. This means that the RoboMaster can drive not just Forward and backward, but also sideways or a combination where the RoboMaster goes Forward/Backward while at the same time sideways.

Gimbal limitations

The RoboMaster Blaster can turn around 540 degrees or 270 degrees in both directions when facing forward. With this the RoboMaster can aim in all directions without moving its chassis. Besides the ability to turn left or right, the RoboMasters Blaster also has the ability to move up and down. When facing forward, the Blaster can move 24 degrees down and 41 degrees up.

Code to perform the movement actions

The code that you can see here first moves the RoboMaster 0.5 meter forward, second it moves 0.5 meter to the right, third it turns 90 degrees and last. It returns to its starting position in one go instead of steps and recenters the gimbal if necessary.

from robomaster import robot
from time import sleep

if __name__ == '__main__':
    ep_robot = robot.Robot()
    ep_robot.initialize(conn_type="sta", sn="159CGAC0050QS0")
    ep_chassis = ep_robot.chassis
    ep_gimbal = ep_robot.gimbal
    ep_blaster = ep_robot.blaster

    ep_chassis.move(x=0.5, y=0, z=0, xy_speed=1).wait_for_completed()
    ep_chassis.move(x=0, y=0.5, z=0, xy_speed=1).wait_for_completed()
    ep_chassis.move(x=0, y=0, z=90, xy_speed=1).wait_for_completed()
    ep_chassis.move(x=0.5, y=-0.5, z=-90, xy_speed=1).wait_for_completed()


robot driving gif


Extra example sources

For other example codes to make the Robomaster Drive made by DJI. See the links below:

Official Chassis Action (half chinese) or Github Chassis Code examples

The links for the Gimbal movements are:

Official Gimbal Action (half chinese) or Github Gimbal Code examples

Info sources

  1. Introduction — RoboMaster Developer Guide documentation. (n.d.). RoboMaster Developer Guide. Retrieved October 15, 2021, from
  2. RoboMaster S1 - Specifications - DJI. (n.d.). DJI Official. Retrieved August 7, 2021, from

Related issues

Issues: #6