StateMachine Functions - Grisgram/gml-raptor GitHub Wiki

StateMachine members

In addition to the functions below, the StateMachine holds some member variables that you should know.

owner The owner of this StateMachine. This is always an object instance.
data The state data that is shared amongst all states.
active_state The currently active state. May be undefined.

StateMachine constructor

You may specify any number of predefined State struct instances directly to the constructor. Read more about this concept in Shared States.

/// @function	 StateMachine(_owner) constructor
/// @description Create a new state machine with a specified owner and an optional list of 
/// 		 predefined states.
/// @param {instance} _owner  The owner of the StateMachine. MUST be an object instance!
/// @param {State...} states  Any number (up to 15) of State(...) instances that define the states


For a better understanding of this function, it is shown with its source code here.
This is not meant to be a simple "return true" or "return false" function. You should evaluate whether the current state of the game allows it to react on user inputs (paused or not, menu open or not, level running or not... things like that).

/// @function 	events_enabled()
/// @description Invoked by the StateMachine when it needs to know, whether it should react
///		 on input events like key strokes or mouse clicks.
///		 The default implementation disables events if we are behind a popup or a 
///		 MessageBox is currently open.
///		 override/redefine if you need another condition
///		 ATTENTION! If you redeclare this, do it always in a with(states) {...} bracket
///		 in the create event of the object redefining it, otherwise you won't have access 
///		 to the state machine's variables, like the owner.
/// @returns {bool} true/false Shall the StateMachine react on input events?
events_enabled = function() {


/// @function		set_events_enabled_func(func)
/// @description	Assigns a new events_enabled function to this state machine.
///			This is a chainable convenience function, you can also assign a
///			new events_enabled function by simply overriding (redefining)
///			the .events_enabled member of this state machine directly.
/// @param {func} func	The function to assign as events_enabled evaluator


/// @function		clear_states()
/// @description	Removes all known states, sets active_state = undefined and optionally 
///			resets the data variable.
///			NOTE: The on_leave callback of any active state will NOT be invoked!
///			This reset is instant.
/// @param {bool}	reset_data	Default true. The data variable will be reset also.


/// @description	Enter an animation lock state for a specified animation.
///			Locking to an animation means, no state changes are allowed until
///			this animation is finished.
///			With the second parameter you can set whether state changes shall be
///			buffered and executed when the animation ends.
///			NOTE: Only the LAST state change will be set. All intermediate changes
///			are ignored, as only the last makes sense (as it's the most recent one).
/// @param {Animation} _animation		The animation to wait for to finish.
/// @param {bool} _buffer_state_change  Optional. if true, the last set_state will be set 
///						when the animation finishes.


/// @function		add_state(_name, _on_enter = undefined, _on_step = undefined, _on_leave = undefined)
/// @description	Defines a new state for the StateMachine.
///			NOTE: If a state with that name already exists, it is overwritten!
/// @param {func} _on_enter  Optional. Callback to invoke when this state gets entered
/// @param {func} step       Optional. Callback to invoke every frame while in this state
/// @param {func} _on_leave  Optional. Callback to invoke when this state shall be left


Read all about Shared States to understand, when this is used.

/// @function		 add_state_shared(_state)
/// @description	 Adds a shared state to the StateMachine. 
///			 NOTE: If a state with that name already exists, it is overwritten!
/// @param {State} state The shared state to add


/// @function set_state(name, enter_override = undefined, leave_override = undefined)
/// @description	Transition to a new state. If the specified state does not exist,
///			an error is logged and the object stays in the current state.
/// @param {func} enter_override  Optional. Replace the original on_enter for this transition with something else
/// @param {func} leave_override  Optional. Replace the original on_leave for this transition with something else


/// @function 		delete_state(_name)
/// @description	Delete a state from the StateMachine.
///			If the object is currently in this state, the delete request is silently ignored.
/// @param {string} 	_name  The name of the state to delete.


/// @function 		has_active_state()
/// @description	Check whether the StateMachine is currently in a valid state
/// @returns {bool} 	true/false Is the object in a valid state?


/// @function 		active_state_name()
/// @description	Get the name of the active state
/// @returns {string} 	The name of the active state or undefined if there is none.


/// @function get_state(name)
/// @description	Get the state instance with the given name
/// @returns {State} 	The requested state or undefined if there is none.


/// @function get_active_state()
/// @description	Get the state instance of the currently active state
/// @returns {State} 	The requested state or undefined if there is none.


/// @function rename_state(old_name, new_name)
/// @description	Rename an existing state.
///			Useful to rename event states if you redefine keys or similar reasons.
///			NOTE: If the state to rename does not exist, the rename request is silently ignored.
/// @param {string} old_name   The current name of the state
/// @param {string} new_name   The new name to assign.


/// @function		state_exists(name)
/// @description	Check whether the specified state exists
/// @param {string} name   The name of the state to check
/// @returns {bool} true/false State exists?


/// @function		set_allow_re_enter_state(allow)
/// @description	Set whether re-entering the same state is allowed (Default = false).
///			If you set this to true, a set_state with the name of the current state
///			will cause the on_leave of the current state followed by on_enter of
///			the same to be invoked.
/// @param {bool}	allow  Set to true if re-entering the current state is allowed (Default = false)


/// @function set_on_destroy(func)
/// @description	Set a callback function to be invoked when this StateMachine is destroyed.
///			Use this if you need to destroy/free resources allocated in the data of the
///			StateMachine (like ds_lists or ds_maps).
/// @param {func} 	func	Function to invoke when this StateMachine is destroyed.


/// @function destroy()
/// @description	Destroy this StateMachine. The on_destroy callback will be invoked, if one is set.

Continue reading in StatefulObject.

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️