GameStarter - Grisgram/gml-raptor GitHub Wiki

Two of the most important moments in a game are the "start" and the "end" of the game.

While the former creates your globals and prepares everything your game needs, the latter is responsible for cleaning up and maybe disconnecting from any external resources or servers.

This is, what the GameStarter is designed for.
It generalizes the moments of the game start by abstracting the initialization of the first room (rmStartup), loading your settings and invokes two callbacks: onGameStart and onGameEnd.

These functions are defined in the Game_Configuration script of the _GAME_SETUP_ folder of the project, thus taking away the need of fiddling code into any events of objects and instead provide a clean function where you can do your initialization tasks.

But the GameStarter does much more for your game. Let's start with some variables.

Variable Definitions of the GameStarter


Variable Description
goto_room_after_init This is the room that will be entered after the onGameStart callback (and any async operations, more on that below) are finished
fade_in_frames_first_room The GameStarter uses the Room Transitions of the RoomController to allow a soft fade-in of the first user-visible room in the game. The default value 0 disables fading and just shows the room

Edit the settings of the GameStarter in rmStartup.

Game initialization: More than just loading a settings file

Most modern games communicate with a backend, be it Steam or Firebase or your own server, maybe you are even hosting your own api. These operations are asynchronous and work through callbacks, which means, your may not simply leave the rmStartup while connect requests or other async operations are still running.

GameStarter fully supports any async startup tasks, but as those are normally made in code, I did not create variable definitions for the room designer for them. Instead, they are simply variables in the GameStarter that you can modify as needed in your async code.

Remember: You can access the (persistent) GameStarter from everywhere through the GAMESTARTER macro!

GameStarter async support

Before we dive into the details it is worth noting, that by default (if you don't change any of the variables mentioned here), GameStarter will behave purely synchronous. So, if you don't have a backend or other async things to do on startup, you don't need to do anything and it "will just work".

Overview of available variables:

Async control variables

Variable Default Description
wait_for_async_tasks false This is the master switch. If you set this to true, GameStarter will not leave the room until either:
- the value is false again,
- OR the async_wait_timeout is greater than zero and has been reached
async_wait_timeout -1 By default, there's no timeout, so GameStarter will wait infinitely, which normally means "until the http timeout aborts the request".
However, you may find, that 30 seconds is too long to wait and just set your timeout (in frames) here.
async_min_wait_time 90 It is psychologically important, that visible text stays on the screen long enough for the user to recognize and understand it. It's a bad behavior if you show something like "Connecting..." only for 0.1 seconds. The user could get the impression that he "missed" something because the time was too short. So, even if your async connect may run way faster, this variable takes care, that the message stays on screen for (by default) at least 1.5 seconds.
This is not a random time, it's composed by the average reaction time of humans (~0.5 seconds) plus one second to find and interpret a short connect message. This is enough time to avoid the "I have missed something" impression on your players.
Feel free to adapt this minimum wait time as you like, but don't make it too short.

Loading spinner animation control

Variable Default Description
spinner_sprite sprLoadingSpinner There is a default spinner animation sprite included with raptor. It can be found in the _gml_raptor/UI/default_sprites folder of the project template and its name is sprLoadingSpinner.
It looks like this and rotates slowly clockwise, like a standard loading animation.
spinner_font undefined You must set a font to be used to render the text next to the spinner animation.
If you don't set a font, no text will be drawn.
spinner_text "Connecting to server..." Assign any text here and it will be shown on screen. The default message is just an english generic connect message, you may want to change that with localized strings from the LG Localization during your async operations.

Example async startup implementation

Here is a short example of the implementation I use for game jams when connecting to my api for cloud based high scores. It's reduced to the important parts that show the manipulation of the GameStarter variables through async startup.

function connectToApi() {
    if (USE_API) {
        GAMESTARTER.wait_for_async_tasks = true;
        GAMESTARTER.async_wait_timeout = 300; // 5 seconds
        GAMESTARTER.spinner_font = fntTitle;
        GAMESTARTER.spinner_text = "Connecting to server...";
        API.connect(api_connected, api_failed);
    } else {
        // My Jam template CAN work offline, so no wait time if no api required
        GAMESTARTER.async_min_wait_time = -1;

function api_connected() {
    GAMESTARTER.spinner_text = "Loading Highscores...";
    HIGHSCORES = API.get_highscores(highscores_loaded, api_failed); // just the next call to the api

function api_failed() {
    GAMESTARTER.wait_for_async_tasks = false; // <-- proceed to next room
    GAMESTARTER.spinner_text = "Server connect failed!";
    log("Api connection for highscores failed!");

function highscores_loaded() {
    GAMESTARTER.wait_for_async_tasks = false; // <-- proceed to next room
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️