queues - GregHib/void GitHub Wiki
Queues are a way of executing some code after a set amount of time, unlike Timers a Queue only runs once. Some queues allow being paused by delays which means they are often used in interface interactions where delays/suspending is required.
There are 4 types of Queues:
- Weak - Removed by interuptions and String queues
- Normal - Skipped if interface is open
- Strong - Closes interfaces and cancels Weak actions
- Soft - Closes interfaces and paused by suspensions but not by other queues
Read more details about queues and how they work on osrs-docs/queues.
Queues are easy enough to start and can be started on any Character, they only require a unique name and an initial delay in ticks:
Normal queues are for regular, do something in a few ticks or do something suspendable now
player.queue("welcome") {
statement("Welcome to Lumbridge! To get more help, simply click on the Lumbridge Guide or one of the Tutors - these can be found by looking for the question mark icon on your minimap. If you find you are lost at any time, look for a signpost or use the Lumbridge Home Teleport spell.")
Weak queues are often used for item-on-item interactions and other interruptable skills
player.weakQueue("cast_silver", 3) {
inventory.replace("silver_bar", data.item)
exp(Skill.Crafting, data.xp)
make(item, amount - 1)
Strong queues are mainly used for non-interruptable events such as Hits, emotes and dying:
player.strongQueue("lumbridge_flag") {
Soft queues are used for things that have to happen and nothing short of death will stop them.
player.softQueue("remove_ammo") {
player.equipment.remove(ammo, required)