interaction - GregHib/void GitHub Wiki

A lot of Entities are interactable, allowing other entities to perform actions on them like Talk-to, Follow, Attack, Trade etc... Interact is a Movement Mode which moves a character in range of a target entity before performing an interaction.

val interaction = FloorItemOption(player, floorItem, "Light")
player.mode = Interact(player, floorItem, interaction)

Interaction types

Interactions fall into two categories: Approach and Operate.

  • Approach interactions trigger when the character is within 10 tiles of the target, this is mainly used for ranged combat and magic spells.
  • Operate interactions are triggered when the character is next to the target.


In RuneScript these are called ap and op scripts which stand for Approachable and Operable. We have used alternative verbs.

You can read more about interactions at osrs-docs/entity-interactions.

There are many types of interactions:

Interaction Description
InterfaceOption Clicking Interfaces or Item .
Command A command typed into the client console.
ItemOn... Using an item on a type of Entity.
NPCOption An option on an NPC.
PlayerOption An option on a Player.
FloorItemOption An option on a Floor item.
ObjectOption An option on a Game object.
CombatInteraction In combat with a target.
InventoryOption An option on an Inventory item on an Interface.

Entity interactions

Most entity interactions have at least 4 helper functions: two for player operating or approaching an entity, and two for a character operating or approaching an entity. Their usage and will vary depending on the interaction and the entity being interacted with. See each class for the complete list of functions available.


npcOperate("Talk-to", "ellis") {
npcApproach("Talk-to", "banker*") {
characterOperateNPC("Follow") {
characterApproachNPC("Attack") {


command("reset_cam") {
modCommand("clear") {
adminCommand("bank") {"bank")


inventoryOptions("Eat", "Drink", "Heal") {
inventoryOption("Bury", "inventory") {
inventoryItem("Rub", "amulet_of_glory_#", "inventory") {

Operation Arrival

Most cases you'll want to wait until the player is right next to the target before interaction.

  • todo pic

However when an interaction pops up an interfaces to begin with interactions should start sooner by specifying arrive = false in the interaction parameters:

itemOnObjectOperate("*_mould", "furnace*", arrive = false) {"make_mould${if (World.members) "_slayer" else ""}")


When interacting with entities often times you'll want to write code to interact with more than one at a time, for example bankers all have the same dialogues so instead of writing an npc approach script for banker_al_kharid, banker_zanaris, banker_shilo_village etc.. individually you can write one script with a wildcard character to match a pattern.

Currently Void supports two wildcard characters:

Symbol Pattern
* Matches any amount of any character
# Matches a single digit

So you can match all bankers using banker_* instead of listing them individually. Note: The real wildcard uses banker* to also match banker as well.

Matching a single digit is useful mainly for items with charges like jewellery and potions. amulet_of_glory_# will match amulet_of_glory_1, amulet_of_glory_2, amulet_of_glory_4 etc... (but not amulet_of_glory_10 which in most cases is fine as charges rarely go above 8).

The same applies for items, interfaces, components and all other string ids used in script functions unless otherwise specified.

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