Yeti 1500X 3000X 6000X Firmware Release Notes - GoalZero26503/yeti-wifi-public GitHub Wiki

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Yeti 1500X/3000X/6000X Firmware Release Notes

Release Notes


  • Released 9/6/2024
  • Battery max charge rate adjusted based on internal pack with latest specifications


  • Released 12/12/2023
  • Re-release all features that were recalled with the previous releases
  • Supports Yeti Link Upgrade to Firmware v1.8.4
  • Yeti Link v1.8.4
    • Fixes bug restoring saved mode after reboot
    • Adds support for vehicles with Smart Alternators
    • Adds detection/protection for bad cabling in Tank mode


  • RECALLED 07/15/2023
  • Released 01/17/2023
  • ⚠️ Update recalled due to firmware upgrade issues related to Yeti 1400/3000 Li models updating the Yeti Link
    • A new update is expected to release by EOY 2023
  • Supports Yeti Link Upgrade to Firmware v1.8.4
  • Users can skip this update if they do not have a Yeti Link installed
  • Yeti Link v1.8.4
    • Fixes bug restoring saved mode after reboot
    • Adds support for vehicles with Smart Alternators
    • Adds detection/protection for bad cabling in Tank mode


  • RECALLED 07/15/2023
  • Released 08/25/2022
  • ⚠️ Update recalled due to issue updating the charge controller for 230v models with product codes 21, 22, 23.
  • USB-PD port performance improvements and bug fixes for some models
    • applies to units with product codes 21, 22, 23
  • USB fault recovery bugfix
    • When the USB port would enter protection mode, a single button press would re-enable the port
      • FIX: USB port is in protection mode, button press goes to off state


Released 05/02/2022

  • Adds Battery Shutdown button combination
    • For users experiencing issues with charging or other issues that can't be resolved by a common RESET, we have added a Full Battery Shutdown option.
    • Battery Shutdown will completely shutdown the battery for up to 1 minute forcing a complete reset of the system
    • See the Battery Shutdown button combination for more.


Released Oct 18, 2021

  • Improved low power mode while in SLEEP
    • Yeti will enter sleep if
      • No input detected
      • All ports off
      • Wifi off
      • LCD backlight off
  • Fixes cycling on some 230 W power supplies which would cycle input continuously.
  • Fixes issue where charging would stop early before reaching 100% on certain units.
  • Fixes issue where input Wattage would remain static on the display and charge light blinking after charging stopped on certain units.
  • Fixes some cases where Blue Input LED would not remain on when fully charged and input is detected
  • Energy History data allocation improvements
    • Users will see improved delta between Watt-Hours In vs Watt-Hours out for any given cycle
    • Fixes bug where some data would be lost in conversion methods for data transfers to upload to the cloud
  • Improves displayed Watts Out accuracy for detected Reactive Loads
    • also improves Energy Usage data accuracy
    • When using some loads, particularly certain motorized/blower loads the displayed power out of the battery will be more accurate
      • i.e. heat guns, power tools, fans should be more accurate


Released Jun 18, 2021

  • Energy Usage History Tracking
    • Monitors Watt-Hours in and out over time and uploads data to the Goal Zero App (Only available via Anywhere Connect)
    • Yeti can store up to 250 hours of energy usage while offline
    • Hourly-precision data is kept for 2 weeks
    • Once hourly data is 2 weeks old, it's aggregated into Daily-precision data
    • Daily-precision data is kept for 2 years
    • A Factory Reset will delete stored energy usage data
    • Firmware updates will not delete energy usage data
  • Improves Idle Usage
    • Yeti will enter Sleep Mode if there's no input, no ports enabled, and wifi is off, allowing for long-term storage with very little battery draw.
  • Automatic Link Firmware Update to v1.5.7
  • Factory Reset Restores Performance Charging Profile and deletes Custom Charging Profile
  • New Wifi Blink Indication
      • Blink 3x every 200ms, Static ON for 2s
      • The Yeti is searching for a network to connect to and is currently not connected to any network
      • Blink 3x every 300ms, static on for 2s
        • Simply a slightly slower blink than WIFI CONNECTING
      • The Yeti is connected to a network, but is not yet connected to the cloud
      • Static on
      • The Yeti is connected to a network and is able to communicate with the Yeti App Cloud
  • Improvements to Firmware Updates
    • Firmware Updates from v1.5.0 forward will show the update progress on the LCD for the entirety of the update.
      • When updating from <v1.5.0, users will not see the progress on the LCD until about half way through the update.
    • If the update is unable to finish. Will automatically try again in 2 hours
    • Port states are restored after update finishes
    • Firmware versions are displayed on LCD at the end of the update
  • Power Connected/Reconnected notifications are deprecated
  • Fixes Yeti Link charging compatibility with Charging Profiles
  • Fixes Renogy Solar Panel charging compatibility
  • Charging improvements in the 90%+ range


Released Nov 9, 2020

  • OTA update backward compatibility with Yeti v2
  • Improved OTA update progress tracking for the app
  • Fixes bug that failed to erase saved wifi network information during factory reset
  • Fix App port toggle sync when ports are disabled due to low state of charge
  • Improved sleep + low power management
  • 600W Power Supply compatibility
  • Solar Charging Improvements
    • Improved charge performance for 45V+ power sources
  • Fix charge handling of Charge Profile settings
  • Fixes bugs with Charge LED indication

1.2.1 (Launch Firmware)

Released Sep 1, 2020

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️