Cover map - Global-Conflicts-ArmA/Olsen-Framework-Arma-3 GitHub Wiki


The cover map module allows missions makers to create a cover layer over maps.
This allows missions to only show certain areas to certain sides on their maps.
Cover maps do not work the same as the AO limit module but be used in conjunction with achieve both desired effects.

Note: There are two types of cover maps. The framework module version, i,e this one, or the vanilla editor cover map which you can find more info about at the bottom.

Framework cover map module


  1. Go to modules>modules.sqf and enable the cover_map module.
  2. Place an area marker down on the map in the editor and give it a variable name.
  3. Go to modules>cover_map>settings.sqf.

Below is an example of the code you'll see in the file.

private _AOMarkers = [
  ["AOMarker_1", true, 0.4, "AO", "ColorGrey"],
  ["AOMarker_2", true, 0.8, "AO 2", "ColorGrey"]
  • AOMarker_1 - This is the variable name of the area marker you placed in the editor.
  • true - Is the cover map centred? Just leave this set to true.
  • 0.4 - This is how far you can zoom in to the map. Lower the value to decrease how face you can zoom in.
  • AO - Give your AO a unquie name such as AO1, AO2, AO3.
  • ColourGrey This is the colour of the cover map, you can find a list of colours below.
Config Name RGBA
Default [0,0,0,1]
ColorBlack [0,0,0,1]
ColorGrey [0.5,0.5,0.5,1]
ColorRed [0.9,0,0,1]
ColorBrown [0.5,0.25,0,1]
ColorOrange [0.85,0.4,0,1]
ColorYellow [0.85,0.85,0,1]
ColorKhaki [0.5,0.6,0.4,1]
ColorGreen [0,0.8,0,1]
ColorBlue [0,0,1,1]
ColorPink [1,0.3,0.4,1]
ColorWhite [1,1,1,1]
ColorWEST [0,0.3,0.6,1]
ColorEAST [0.5,0,0,1]
ColorGUER [0,0.5,0,1]
ColorCIV [0.4,0,0.5,1]
ColorUNKNOWN [0.7,0.6,0,1]
colorBLUFOR [0,0.3,0.6,1]
colorOPFOR [0.5,0,0,1]
colorIndependent [0,0.5,0,1]
colorCivilian [0.4,0,0.5,1]
Color1_FD_F [0.694118,0.2,0.223529,1]
Color2_FD_F [0.678431,0.74902,0.513726,1]
Color3_FD_F [0.941176,0.509804,0.192157,1]
Color4_FD_F [0.403922,0.545098,0.607843,1]
Color5_FD_F [0.690196,0.25098,0.654902,1]
Color6_FD_F [0.352941,0.34902,0.352941,1]

End result product using ColorRed

Vanilla cover map module


  1. On the right side of the editor, click the 1icon icon, followed by the modulesttabimage icons.
  2. In the search bar, type Cover map. You'll see two tabs Mission maker framework and other, place the cover map from the other tab.
  3. Click the module you just placed on the map and scale it to the size you wish.

Done. You should now see the final result.
The difference between this module and the framework module above is that this module allows you to have an transparent border meaning you can still see the map but slightly greyed out.

Vanilla cover map example

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