Data loading on MATLAB - GiulioRomualdi/DecaWaveEVB1000Experiments GitHub Wiki

In order to load data in MATLAB this set of scripts for MATLAB is required.
In the following it is assumed that the scripts have been downloaded and extracted in a directory $SCRIPTS_HOME.
To start loading data change directory to $SCRIPTS_HOME within MATLAB and run


How to load autoranging data

Load all the ranges between anchors recorded by the anchors during the autoranging procedure

  1. Prepare a directory $AUTORNG_PATH with files of the form a2a_anch_i.csv collected during the autoranging procedure;

  2. Change directory to $AUTORNG_PATH within MATLAB;

  3. Create an empty struct named autoranging

autoranging = struct();

An existing struct autoranging may be used if already created when loading other types of autoranging data

  1. Load the data
autoranging = load_data_anch_autoranging('a2a_anch_', autoranging);

The autoranging struct will contain the following fields (in addition to the fields already contained in the struct)

  • rij: range between the anchor i and the anchor j
    • ai: measures collected during the autoranging procedure evaluated by the anchor Ai;
    • aj: measures collected during the autoranging procedure evaluated by the anchor Aj;
    • joined: all the measures collected during the autoranging procedure, i.e. ai U aj.

Add manual measurements taken using a laser distance measurer to the autoranging struct

In order to compare the autoranging data with the manual measurements it is required to add the manual measurements to the autoranging struct previously filled with some autoranging data.

  1. Prepare a matlab function file laser_data.m
function [autoranging, plane_height] = laser_data(autoranging)
plane_height = <plane_height>;
autoranging.('r01').('laser') = <r01>;
autoranging.('r02').('laser') = <r02>;
autoranging.('r03').('laser') = <r03>;
autoranging.('r12').('laser') = <r12>;
autoranging.('r13').('laser') = <r13>;
autoranging.('r23').('laser') = <r23>;


  • <plane_height> is the height of the common plane where the anchors A0, A1 and A2 are placed;
  • <rij> are the measured ranges.
  1. Run
[autoranging, plane_height] = laser_data(autoranging)

The autoranging struct will contain the following fields (in addition to the fields already contained in the struct)

  • rij: range between the anchor i and the anchor j
    • laser: measures collected using a laser distance measurer

How to load the ranges between the tag and all the anchors collected during a trilateration experiment

  1. Prepare a directory $TAG_RNG_PATH with a file of the form tag_<device_ID>_DD_MM_YYYY_trr.csvcollected during a trilateration experiment;

  2. Change directory to $TAG_RNG_PATH within MATLAB;

  3. To load the ranges run

path = load_data_path_ranges(<path_filename>);   

where <path_filename> is the filename

The struct path will contain the following fields

  • r0: range between the tag and the anchor 0;
  • r1: range between the tag and the anchor 1;
  • r2: range between the tag and the anchor 2;
  • r3: range between the tag and the anchor 3.

How to load the position of the anchors collected during a trilateration experiment

  1. Prepare a directory $ANCH_POS_PATH with a file of the form tag_<device_ID>_DD_MM_YYYY_apr.csv collected during a trilateration experiment;

  2. Change directory to $ANCH_POS_PATH within MATLAB;

  3. To load the position of the anchors run

anchor_cartesian = load_anchor_position()

anchor_cartesian is 3 x 4 matrix containing the cartesian position of the four anchors.

How to load trilateration data collected during a trilateration experiment

  1. Prepare a directory $TRILAT_PATH with files of the form tag_<device_ID>_DD_MM_YYYY_tpr.csv collected during a trilateration experiment;

Only one file per tag ID can be present in $TRILAT_PATH

  1. To load the trilateration data of all the tags run
trilateration = load_data_paths_trilateration()

The trilateration struct will contain the following fields

  • tag_i: where i is the tag id, counting from 0
    • x: the x coordinate;
    • y: the y coordinate;
    • z: the z coordinate.
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