Data collection - GiulioRomualdi/DecaWaveEVB1000Experiments GitHub Wiki

Brief FAQ

Is it necessary to turn on the devices following a specific order?

As regards the anchors they can be turned on in any order. However any tag should be switched on only after the autoranging procedure is started.

How can I know if the autoranging procedure is started?

The autoranging procedure is started for sure when on the display of each anchor the text Autoranging is shown. Note that if you are going to collect the ranges between the anchors during the autoranging procedure it is better to start the data collection software before turning on the anchors to avoid data loss.

How can I know if the autoranging procedure is finished?

The autoranging procedure is finished when on the dispay of each anchor the text Autoranging End is shown.

How to collect measurements during an experiment

  1. Download the DecaWave EVB1000 Collector and configure it as explained in requirements;

  2. Move in the path $COLLECTOR where the zip containing the sofware was extracted;

  3. Execute the following command


    On some Windows systems you may need to run the software as an Administrator to execute it succesfully.
    On *nix systems you may need to add your user to the group that owns the device file (e.g. /dev/ttyACM0) to execute the script succesfully. However you can always run the script as a super user like

    sudo python
  4. Connect one or more EVB1000 devices using the USB OTG VCP port.

  5. For every device detected by the software a progress meter will appear

    (<message_type>) <device_type> <device_ID> <num_msg> msg [<rate> msg/s]


    • <message_type> can be
      • autorng, i.e., an anchor in autoranging mode is sending ranges to other anchors;
      • ranging, i.e., a tag is sending ranges relative to the anchors;
      • trilat, i.e., a tag is sending the result of the trilateration;
      • anchor pos, i.e., a tag is sending the position of the anchors.
    • <device_type> can be tag or anchor;
    • <device_ID> is the ID of the device as set using the micro switches on the PCB;
    • <num_msg> the total number of messages received;
    • <rate> the estimated rate of reception.
  6. When the collection is done the software can be stopped by pressing Ctrl-C on the keyboard.

Data received from the serial port will be saved in $COLLECTOR as CSV files. Files are opened in append mode.

File names depends on <message_type>. All types except autorng determine a file name


where <message_type_code> is

  • trr, i.e. tag ranges report, for ranging messages;
  • tpr, i.e. tag position report, for trilat messages;
  • apr, i.e. anchor positions report, for anchor pos messages.

When the type is autorng instead the file name is


to preserve compatibility with MATLAB based data processing scripts.

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️