Python menu for Geosoft Desktop - GeosoftInc/gxpy GitHub Wiki

NOTE: As of 9.7 Python is shipped with Geosoft Desktop. These steps are no longer necessary.

A Python menu is available for use with Geosoft Desktop. The menu has an option to run a Python extension script and a set of configuration GXs that support installation and verification from a running Geosoft Desktop application. To install and use the Python menu:

  1. Download python_desktop_setup.gx and run this GX from Oasis montaj. This will install menu Python.omn to your user\omn folder and the supporting GXs to your user\gx folder.
  2. Load the Python menu from the User Menus section of the Menu Manager.

You will see a set of options under Python/Configure Python...:

Menu Description
Verify Python Verifies your Python installation and reports any problems. The Python and Geosoft version numbers are reported if successful.
Install Python Instructions for installing Python.
Locate Python... Locate the Python folder, from which Geosoft will run Python.
Re-start Desktop Instructions to restart your desktop application.
Update Geosoft Package Use this to update a Geosoft package as updates become available.