Convert Delimited Files - GeorgeGiannopoulos/StimuliXpert GitHub Wiki


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Convert Delimited Files

Convert Delimited Files

The StimuliXpert allows the user to control the format of the output file before and after the experiment.

The user can select the format of the recorded file before the experiment, if he/she navigates to tools -> setting -> output

If the user wants to change the format of the recorded file, after the experiment, then he/she must navigate to tools -> convert delimited files

The program provides four options:

  • The user can select the new delimiter. The user can select between Space, Comma(,), Semi-colon(;), Colon(:), Bar(|) and Tab
  • The user can select the file extension (.txt or .csv)
  • Clear EEG useless data[*]
  • By default, the recorded file does not contain a header (this option could be changed from the program settings). The user can add a header to the recorded file

[*] The StimuliXpert aims to improve the recording of EEG signals by synchronizing the actual stimulus with the expected stimulation which is caused to the subject. Segments of EEG signals correspond to useless parts of the experiment such as the presentation of the counter at the beginning, the user's evaluation process or the time that passes between the audiovisual files. The final file contains all this information so the StimuliXpert allows the user to clear useless data by enabling this option