Dataset discovery use case - Geonovum/ogc-api-testbed GitHub Wiki
This use case covers the typical dataset discovery and bind use case.
- Find a record describing a dataset using OGC API Records
- Bind to the dataset using OGC API Features (or OGC API Tiles)
As a client software QGIS Metasearch will be used.
- Server implementation of OGC API Records and OGC API Features will initially be pygeoapi.
- Second iteration we envision to use GeoNetwork for OGC API REcords and GeoServer for OGC API Features and Tiles.
To be able to bind from a OGC-API-Records Record, we will research 2 approaches:
- Based on iso19139, in the transferoptions section, dutch metadata profile defines a protocol list, which need to be extended to include OGC API Features and OGC API Tiles. The software will then be able to know the type of the indicated service and will be able to open the relevant binding panel.
- Based on OGC API Record YAML, this approach suggests to use a templated url for service links. The client needs to parse the template url to understand the service type and open the relevant binding panel