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DockerHub registration

UTC sedPro is a private repository and you will need to have the required credentials to pull the docker container.

To obtain the credential you will need to:

  1. create an account on
  2. send an email to [email protected] with your docker ID or the email address you used in step 1
  3. you will then be added to UTC sedPro private repository in the following 24h and a confirmation email will be sent.

Install sedPro

For private repository, it is required to first login before being able to pull an image. This is done by running the following:

docker login --username=dockerID --password=XXXXX

where dockerID and XXXXX are your DockerHub registration credentials.

On Windows, you will need to open a terminal window (Command Prompt or PowerShell, but not PowerShell ISE).

UTC sedPro is available through a Docker container and is obtained via the following command:

docker pull geodels/utc-sedpro

Once downloaded you will now be able to run sedPro. You only need to pull the image once. Once it is installed you will only have to run the following command to start UTC sedPro.

We will launch a new docker container using the docker run command:

docker run -it -p 8888:8888 -v "$PWD":/live/share geodels/utc-sedpro

This command will create a new container using the geodels/utc-sedpro image. Note that it will first check to see if the image exists locally, and otherwise will download a copy from the Docker Hub. This will only happen the first time you run the command; subsequent execution will use the downloaded image.

Once the new instance is created, the program is launched within the container. Note that we also pass an option of the form -p host_port:docker_port which tells docker to perform a port mapping from the docker instance to the host. This allows us to use our native web browser to access the active docker notebook instance at http://localhost:8888/.

For interactive processes (like a shell), we must use -i -t together in order to allocate a tty for the container process. -i -t is often written -it as see in the command above.

Finally, the -v command or --volume=[host-src:]container-dest attach a volume or folder from the local computer to the container shared folder (here /live/share). The 'host-src' is an absolute path or a name value and in the command above correspond to the place where the command is run from.

Container information

Once the command is ran you will be able to open in a web browser to look at the utc-sedpro image data at the following http address: http://localhost:8888/.

The web browser should look like:



Examples are provided in the container under the examples folder...

list of examples

Running from a Notebook

To run the program from a jupyter notebook, the run_example.ipynb can be used:


The file looks like this once opened:

nb file

Running from the Terminal

You can open a terminal from jupyter notebook and run the program from command line as shown below:


Additional programs

Several additional scripts are provided with sedPro and can be found in the lib folder...

One of this program is called sedview.exe and is used to visualise outputs from sedPro.


In the other folder the following scripts and associated codes are available:


sedpro input/output files

Input files

  • project.sif: The main command file
  • Topographic file of the initial surface
  • Sea-level elevation through time
  • project.tec: Uplift and subsidence grid files

Output files

  • project.GRAPH: Main output file
  • project.BAS: Contains sedimentation records at each cell and each layer can be displayed in sedview
  • project.INFO: Basement change output file Status of UTC sedpro run
  • project.TIME: Information about the time progress of the simulation
  • project.SED: Record of the sedimentary evolution
  • project.MASBAL: Mass balance file containing statistics of sediment budget
  • project.FLO: xyz position and xyz velocity of each fluid element
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