Download DICOM from Bruker 7T - GarzaLab/Documentation GitHub Wiki

After creating the DICOM of your study or sequence in Paravision, you need to download it for backup and use.

  1. Look for the path. Go into the server ssh [email protected] password: ask Juan or Luis or Eduardo

  2. Search your dataset (example). /mnt/pvDatasets3/nmrsu/20190430_133529_B03_Garza_Prueba_Uso_1_1_1

  3. Open new terminal window and download using rsync or scp. rsync -avzhe ssh --progress --ignore-existing [email protected]://mnt/pvDatasets3/nmrsu/20190430_114008_B03_Garza_Manganeso_AH53B_1_1 .

When you download the whole folder, you can also use Bruker2Nifti to directly convert from the native Paravision format to nifti.
