Segment Instance Layout - GameBurrow/WriteTheSigns GitHub Wiki

Segment Instance Layouts are used as model for placing in city network segments, like roads, railroads, pedestrian paths and others. As they are instance dependencies, they only exists outside a container in the city savegame if it gets exported into the library.


Field Valid values Description
saveName free text The name of the layout. Must be unique if in a Library, but may repeat in a segment instance container (not recommended).
propLayoutName Prop layout's saveName value The prop layout to be used.
simplePropName prop internal name The simple prop to be used. Ignored if propLayoutName is set.
inverted true
If true, it will rotate the prop 180° in Y axis from the middle of segment width.
segmentPosition 0.000 to 1.000 Position relative of lenght of the path, being 0.000 the middle of the start node and 1.000 the middle of end node. Intermediate values will follow the segment curve format.

Element TextParameters

This element contains the instance parameter slots that can be addressed by Prop layout. Images values shall be prefixed by IMG_ (the prefix will not be considered to get the real name of target image sprite).

Note! The Target Segments are bounded only in a savegame, so differently of the Text Parameters, they cannot be exported.

SubElement ValueContainer

Field Valid values Description
id integer The parameter slot id. The UI in game only show slots from 0 to 9, but any value can be valid in XML

Sub-SubElement Value

The content in this element will be read as the value of the parameter.

Elements position, scale and rotation

All them are Vector3 instances, so them have attributes x, y and z that represents:

  • position: the relative position from the point of the segment curve at segmentPosition position, coming from segmentPosition="0.000", at border of the halfwidth at right side (left side if inverted=true).
    • x is the axis left/right (if equals to segment halfwidth * -1, then will be placed at center of the segment)
    • y is the axis up/down
    • z is the axis front/behind (not considering the segment curve)
  • rotation: the relative rotation from the center of the prop layout.
    • x is the axis left/right, so rotates in cycle Back/Down/Front/Up
    • y is the axis up/down, so rotates in cycle Back/Left/Front/Right (Paralel to the ground)
    • z is the axis front/behind, so rotates in cycle Up/Left/Down/Right
  • scale: the scale of the prop/prop layout relative to the prop original size.
    • x is the axis left/right
    • y is the axis up/down
    • z is the axis front/behind
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