Road Corner Instance Layout - GameBurrow/WriteTheSigns GitHub Wiki

Road Corner Instance Layouts are roughly the street information signs at corners. Its placement style is to in each node that two roads are neighbors, place 2 instances of this sign, each one pointing to one road direction. Generally only is placed if the both roads in the corner have different names, but it can be placed even in straights if some conditions have changed from one segment to another, like specified in attributes below.

The center position of all instances will be the connection point at the border of the half-widths of the neighbor segments.


Field Valid values Description
saveName free text The name of the layout. Must be unique if in a Library, but may repeat in a city layout (not recommended).
propLayoutName Prop layout's saveName value The prop layout to be used.
spawnChance integer from 0 to 255 Chance of this layout be spawned in a corner, if others conditions are fulfilled.
placeOnDistrictBorder true
If true, will spawn a pair of instances if the both roads have the same name but the district of them are different.
placeOnTunnelBridgeStart true
If false, won't spawn a pair of instances in slopes/tunnels/bridges start even if the name of the segments are different but the random name seed are equal
ignoreEmptyNameRoads true
If true, won't spawn a pair of instances if one of two roads have its name empty
minRoadHalfWidth and maxRoadHalfWidth positive decimal number in format 0.000 Will tests the road half width to check if it's eligible for spawn this rule. Defaults from 0.000 to 999.000 if none informed.
useDistrictColor true
If true, will paint the prop of layout with the district color defined in Addresses Mod. See Mod Integrations for details.
districtSelectionIsBlacklist true
If true, the district selection will be treated as exclusive (all but selected). Defaults to true. See more below.
districtRestrictionOrder ParksOrDistricts
If ParksOrDistricts (default), will be applied if any Special Area or District is allowed to spawn this instance. ParksAndDistricts will require both, if both are set in an area.

Elements scale and rotation

All them are Vector3 instances, so them have attributes x, y and z that represents:

  • rotation: the relative rotation from the center of the prop layout.
    • x is the axis left/right, so rotates in cycle Back/Down/Front/Up
    • y is the axis up/down, so rotates in cycle Back/Left/Front/Right (Paralel to the ground)
    • z is the axis front/behind, so rotates in cycle Up/Left/Down/Right
  • scale: the scale of the prop/prop layout relative to the prop original size.
    • x is the axis left/right
    • y is the axis up/down
    • z is the axis front/behind
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