Building Instance Layout - GameBurrow/WriteTheSigns GitHub Wiki

The Building Instance Layouts describes how the new props or prop layouts will be placed in a building. It can make buildings use more than 64 props in a building, once them are instanced outside default building prop array bundled in the assets by the game.


Field Valid values Description
saveName free text The name of the layout. Must be unique if in a Library, but may repeat in a building (not recommended).
propLayoutName Prop layout's saveName value The prop layout to be used.
simplePropName prop internal name The simple prop to be used. Ignored if propLayoutName is set.
subBuildingIdxPivotReference integer between -1 and the last subbuilding index available in building The pivot reference subbuilding to be used as center reference of the prop/layout. -1 means the main building reference will be used
coloringMode ByPlatform
Indicates the source of the color for this prop/prop layout. See table below.
useFixedIfMultiline true
If true, will use the default color from prop/prop layout instead of the first line in the platforms list.
showIfNoLine true
If true, will hide if there are no lines available in the platforms listed in platformOrder array (see below).
arrayRepeatTimes positive integer Indicates how many times this prop/prop layout will be repeated, using as reference the gap described in arrayRepeatOffset element (see below).

Elements position, scale and rotation

All them are Vector3 instances, so them have attributes x, y and z that represents:

  • position: the relative position from the center of the building.
    • x is the axis left/right
    • y is the axis up/down
    • z is the axis front/behind
  • rotation: the relative rotation from the center of the prop layout.
    • x is the axis left/right, so rotates in cycle Back/Down/Front/Up
    • y is the axis up/down, so rotates in cycle Back/Left/Front/Right (Paralel to the ground)
    • z is the axis front/behind, so rotates in cycle Up/Left/Down/Right
  • scale: the scale of the prop/prop layout relative to the prop original size.
    • x is the axis left/right
    • y is the axis up/down
    • z is the axis front/behind

Element platformOrder and sub-element p

The platform order is used to determine which platforms of the building will be used by this prop to get some informations, like the passing lines or its destination. The order that the platforms are declared inside the platformOrder indicates the order of reading the lines there, from most prioritary to less prioritary. Each platform number must be inside a p tag element. See more about Plataform mapping in buildings

Element arrayRepeatOffset

It's a Vector3 field that describe the distance between copied instances of this instance in the building.


  • x is the left/right axis
  • y is the down/up axis
  • z is the bottom/front axis


When accounting any coordinates relative from building, think all them as if you looking from the main entrance of the asset (the side marked with a arrow at the asset editor, the side from the road if placed there).

Exportable Group Descriptor for Buildings

To send the layouts to the Steam Workshop along the building, you can configure the file WTS_DefaultBuildingsConfig.xml in the root level of the asset folder to send to workshop. There are a button in UI to create it locally, but you will need to copy it manually when staging to upload, since the game won't do that automatically.

The root tag must be <buildingConfig>, and inherits all attributes/elements listed above.

Elements localLayout

Each element localLayout will represent a propLayout in the XML, to instance it in the subscriber's game.

Attribute key

It will be the same of the saveName from the prop layout. Must be unique across all localLayout elements.

SubElement Value

It's a Prop layout descriptor XML.

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