Lab 0: Intro to Linux and ROS - GIXLabs/TECHIN516 GitHub Wiki

1. Computer setup

Welcome to TECHIN 516 Robotics Lab 1! We will be using this Github repo and wiki to work through a series of labs to practice base skills working with robots. The instructions and code in this repo assume you are working on the Ubuntu 22.04 operating system with ROS 2 Humble Hawksbill. To use Ubuntu 22 you have a couple options based on the computer you have:

Method Intel Mac Arm Mac Intel Windows Arm Windows Lab Laptops
Dual-boot yes no yes no Ubuntu already installed
Virtual Machine yes yes yes yes

All the code will work most reliably on an operating system that has been installed directly to the machine, either as a stand-alone operating system like the lab laptops or dual-booted on your personal device.

When Ubuntu asks if you want to upgrade to version 24.04, select "Don't Upgrade". The code for this class will not work in any version besides 22.04.

If you choose to use the lab laptops we suggest storing your work on a personal drive or in the cloud to avoid reliance on specific machines. Sign into the lab laptops with your UW net ID and password.

Virtual machines may not work for everything but it is still beneficial to run your own Linux environment to allow you to experiment with the concepts and code at home.

Begin by choosing a method and sign into Ubuntu

2. Linux Exercises

Now that you have a working Linux environment, we're going to practice using the terminal to navigate your computer and manipulate files and data. All the details you need should be included in the class slides. Additionally there are countless great resources for learning Linux online. Create a lab report document with your name, date, lab number, and solutions.

Deliverable 2.1 - 2.11: For each of the Linux questions below, record the command line used to perform each step. Each solution should be one single command.

  1. Open the terminal and clone this repo into your home directory.

  2. Change the directory to the lab0 subdirectory of this repo.

  3. Unzip the file inside the same directory.

  4. Assume you are in the lab0_linux directory, Copy the file from the current directory to the src subdirectory.

  5. List the files in the lab0 directory, in "long listing format".

  6. List all files, including hidden files, in the src directory, in reverse alphabetical order and long listing format.

  7. Rename the file to Hint: using mv.

  8. Delete the files tobedelete1.txt and tobedelete2.txt.

  9. You can use a * (asterisk) as a "wild-card" character to specify a group of files. For example, *foo means all files whose names end with foo, and foo* means all files whose names begin with foo. You can use a wildcard in the middle of a file name, such as foo*bar for all files that start with foo and end with bar. List all .py and .txt files in the current directory. Note that the ls command can accept more than one parameter for what files you want it to list.

  10. What command can output the contents of a file to the terminal? Please use that command to output the contents of the file CMakeLists.txt and redirect the output to a new file called redirection.txt. Record the single command.

  11. How many lines in the file CMakeLists.txt containing the word cpp?

Deliverable 2.12: Fill in the following table describing what each symbol / command means:

command meaning

Note: see if you can figure out what they do by trying them first, then it's completely OK to Google the answers.

3. ROS 2 Tutorials

If you are using the lab laptops, the desktop version of ROS 2 Humble has been installed for you. If you are using your own device, you will need to follow the instructions to download the recommended desktop installation.

Please finish beginner level core ROS 2 tutorials on the ROS 2 Documentation page:

It is also where you can always look back for resources if you have any questions on ROS 2 libraries and usages. Getting familiar with these ROS 2 concepts will be very useful in your following studies.

3.1 Beginner: CLI Tools

Follow the instructions in this section to learn about some basic command line interface (CLI) tools.

  1. Configuring environment

    Sourcing is one of the most important yet forgotten task when completing labs. Learn how to source and when to source.

    Deliverable 3.1.1: Take a screenshot of running: printenv | grep -i ROS.

  2. Using turtlesim, ros2, and rqt

    Deliverable 3.1.2: Use the node "turtlesim_node" and "turtle_teleop_key" to draw a path of your first initial and take a screenshot.

  3. Understanding nodes

    Deliverable 3.1.3: Take a screenshot of your output of a list of subscribers, publishers, services, and actions.

  4. Understanding topics

    Deliverable 3.1.4: Take a screenshot of your rqt graph when teleoping the turtle.

  5. Understanding services

    Deliverable 3.1.5: Figure out how to use the /kill service and use it to remove the second turtle you created in this section. Please copy the command in your lab report:

  6. Understanding parameters

    Deliverable 3.1.6: Take a screenshot of all of /turtlesim node's current parameter values.

  7. Understanding actions

  8. Using rqt_console to view logs

  9. Launching nodes

    Deliverable 3.1.7: Take a screenshot of running the multi sim launch file, then answer the question: what does the launch file do? What are the benefits of using launch files/roslaunch?

  10. Recording and playing back data

    Deliverable 3.1.8: Record data of all topics for around 10 seconds. After this step, take a screenshot of the info of your recorded bag file ros2 bag info <bag_file_name>:

3.2 Beginner: Client libraries

Follow the instructions in this section to learn about some useful client libraries.

  1. Using colcon to build packages

    Make sure you follow the tutorials carefully. The created directory and workspace will be used for the entire quarter. Might also be a good idea to back up the directory just in case you want to switch laptop or the workspace corrupted.

  2. Creating a workspace

  3. Creating a package

  4. Writing a simple publisher and subscriber (Python)


    3.2.1: Please briefly explain what does the sample codes do? What are the names of the publisher and subscriber nodes? What's name of the topic? What's the topic type?

    3.2.2: When you are done, open a new window, echo the topic that is published/subscribed by the nodes and take a screenshot:

  5. Writing a simple service and client (Python)

    Deliverable 3.2.3: What's name of the service? What's the service type?

  6. Creating custom msg and srv files

    Deliverable 3.2.4: Take a screenshot of running ros2 interface show tutorial_interfaces/srv/AddThreeInts.

  7. (READ) Implementing custom interfaces

  8. (READ) Using parameters in a class (Python)

  9. (READ) Using ros2doctor to identify issues