Book of life - Fish-In-A-Suit/Conquest GitHub Wiki
Since life can get quite arduous at some points, especially when striving to get good marks in secondary school with a view to be eligible to get accepted to the University of Medicine in Ljubljana, Slovenia, while doing programming as well, I've decided to write just general guidelines about my life which I shall follow, which should provide me a healthy environment for self-growth.
- I shall strive to get A only.
- I shall complete CAE (Cambridge English: Advanced) certificate
- I shall write a research paper related to biology/chemistry
Physical activity
- I shall go to volleyball trainings as often as possible
- Any day of the week, no matter how weak or exhausted I am, I shall perform at least 3 sets of exercises. On Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays full workouts are to be performed.
- I shall by no means cheat the person I love with any other person no matter the circumstances, for cheating brings only uncertainty, sadness and pain.