vehicle_examples - Field-Robotics-Lab/dave GitHub Wiki
Collection of how to spawn existing models.
To spawn a collection of the DAVE models in the same Gazebo world, run
roslaunch dave_robot_launch uuv_collection.launch paused:=true
which should generate a view like this (sans text labels),
Note that the functionality (closed-loop control, teleoperation, etc.) is not setup in this collective example, but is illustrated for each vessel in the examples below.
roslaunch smilodon_gazebo smilodon.launch
roslaunch uuv_dave joy_thrusterop.launch namespace:=smilodon
roslaunch caracara_gazebo caracara.launch
roslaunch uuv_dave joy_thrusterop.launch namespace:=caracara
roslaunch caldus_gazebo caldus.launch
roslaunch uuv_dave joy_thrusterop.launch namespace:=caldus
roslaunch dave_robot_launch virgil.launch
which includes gamepad telop following the convention Gamepad Teleoperation Mapping.