Dave Object Models - Field-Robotics-Lab/dave GitHub Wiki

As part of the dave project the team has integrated a variety of object models intended to be useful for composing underwater scenarios to reflect common deepsea robot tasks such as search and manipulation. The dave-specific object models are stored in two places:

  1. Within the dave_object_models ROS package that is contained within the dave repository.
  2. Within the DAVE collection of the Ignition Fuel online model repository.

The following example makes use of an example world that demonstrates including models from both locations in a demonstration scenario. Note that it may take a bit of time to load this demo the first time you run it because of the time taken to download the models from Ignition Fuel.

roslaunch dave_demo_launch dave_models.launch

Which is expected to start a world that looks like this.

Screenshot from 2022-02-25 09-29-47

For a full list of the models included see the dave_ocean_models.world.

Below we describe some of the categories of models:

Torpedos: Mk-46 (lightweight) and Mk-48 (heavyweight)

Screenshot from 2022-02-25 09-35-30

Unexploded Ordnance

Screenshot from 2022-02-25 09-40-29

Deepsea floatation - hardhats and 17" glass spheres

Screenshot from 2022-02-25 09-41-47


Screenshot from 2022-02-25 09-39-30

Flight data recorder

Based on http://uasc.com/home/shop/avionics/cvr-fdr See pdf procure for images and dimensions

Screenshot from 2022-02-25 09-36-36

MBARI MARS Ocean Observing Node

Screenshot from 2022-02-25 09-42-56

Amphora and Niskin Bottle from Ignition Fuel

Screenshot from 2022-02-25 09-33-48

A Lionfish from Ignition Fuel

The unofficial mascot of project dave.

Screenshot from 2022-02-25 09-44-19