Quest IDs - Ezekial711/MonsterHunterWorldModding GitHub Wiki
Quest ID | Name | Target |
00000 | Unavailable | Unavailable |
00001 | Unavailable | Unavailable |
00002 | Unavailable | Unavailable |
00003 | Invalid Message | Invalid Message |
00004 | Invalid Message | Invalid Message |
00005 | Invalid Message | Invalid Message |
00101 | Jagras of the Ancient Forest | Slay 7 Jagras |
00102 | A Kestodon Kerfuffle | Complete the assignment |
00103 | The Great Jagras Hunt | Hunt a Great Jagras |
00151 | Butting Heads with Nature | Slay 12 Kestodon |
00152 | A Thicket of Thugs | Slay 7 Jagras |
00153 | Fungal Flexin' in the Ancient Forest | Deliver 20 Gourmet Shroomcaps |
00201 | Bird-Brained Bandit | Hunt a Kulu-Ya-Ku |
00205 | Urgent: Pukei-Pukei Hunt | Hunt a Pukei-Pukei |
00241 | Learning the Clutch | Learn the mechanics of the clutch claw |
00251 | The Great Glutton | Hunt a Great Jagras |
00252 | Camp Crasher | Hunt a Kulu-Ya-Ku |
00261 | Snatch the Snatcher | Capture a Kulu-Ya-Ku |
00262 | The Pain from Gains | Slay 7 Gajau |
00263 | Exterminator of the Waste | Slay 14 Vespoid |
00301 | The Best Kind of Quest | Complete the assignment |
00302 | Sinister Shadows in the Swamp | Complete the assignment |
00305 | Flying Sparks: Tobi-Kadachi | Hunt a Tobi-Kadachi |
00306 | The Encroaching Anjanath | Hunt an Anjanath |
00331 | Special Arena: Pukei-Pukei | Hunt a Pukei-Pukei |
00332 | Special Arena: Barroth | Hunt a Barroth |
00333 | Special Arena: Tobi-Kadachi | Hunt a Tobi-Kadachi |
00351 | Scatternut Shortage | Hunt a Pukei-Pukei |
00352 | The Current Situation | Hunt a Tobi-Kadachi |
00361 | Mired in the Spire | Hunt a Barroth |
00362 | The Piscine Problem | Hunt a Jyuratodus |
00363 | Prickly Predicament | Deliver 20 Bauble Cactuses |
00364 | Gettin' Yolked in the Waste | Deliver 2 Herbivore Eggs |
00365 | Landing the Landslide Wyvern | Capture a Barroth |
00401 | One for the History Books | Complete the assignment |
00405 | Ballooning Problems | Hunt a Paolumu |
00407 | Radobaan Roadblock | Hunt a Radobaan |
00408 | Legiana: Embodiment of Elegance | Hunt a Legiana |
00431 | Special Arena: Anjanath | Hunt an Anjanath |
00432 | Special Arena: Rathian | Hunt a Rathian |
00433 | Special Arena: Paolumu | Hunt a Paolumu |
00434 | Special Arena: Radobaan | Hunt a Radobaan |
00451 | One Helluva Sinus Infection | Hunt an Anjanath |
00452 | Gettin' Yolked in the Forest | Deliver 2 Wyvern Eggs |
00461 | Royal Relocation | Hunt a Rathian |
00471 | It's a Crying Shamos | Slay 11 Shamos |
00472 | A Tzitzi for Science | Hunt a Tzitzi-Ya-Ku |
00473 | Sorry You're Not Invited | Hunt a Paolumu |
00474 | What a Bunch of Abalone | Deliver 10 Super Abalone |
00475 | White Monster for a White Coat | Capture a Paolumu |
00481 | Persistent Pests | Slay 14 Hornetaur |
00482 | A Rotten Thing To Do | Hunt a Great Girros |
00483 | A Bone to Pick | Hunt a Radobaan |
00484 | On Nightmare's Wings | Slay 5 Raphinos |
00501 | Into the Bowels of the Vale | Complete the assignment |
00502 | A Fiery Throne Atop the Forest | Hunt a Rathalos |
00503 | Horned Tyrant Below the Sands | Hunt a Diablos |
00504 | A Colossal Task | Complete the assignment |
00531 | Special Arena: Legiana | Hunt a Legiana |
00532 | Special Arena: Odogaron | Hunt an Odogaron |
00533 | Special Arena: Rathalos | Hunt a Rathalos |
00534 | Special Arena: Diablos | Hunt a Diablos |
00551 | When Desire Becomes an Obsession | Hunt a Rathalos |
00552 | Redefining the "Power Couple" | Hunt all target monsters |
00561 | Twin Spires Upon the Sands | Hunt a Diablos |
00571 | A Humid Headache | Hunt a Legiana |
00572 | Gone in a Flash | Slay a Kirin |
00581 | Scratching the Itch | Hunt an Odogaron |
00582 | Man's Best Fiend | Capture an Odogaron |
00583 | The Meat of the Matter | Deliver 2 Lumps of Meat |
00601 | Invader in the Waste | Hunt a Pukei-Pukei |
00605 | Tickled Pink | Hunt an Anjanath |
00607 | Old World Monster in the New World | Complete the assignment |
00631 | Special Arena: HR Pukei-Pukei | Hunt a Pukei-Pukei |
00632 | Special Arena: HR Barroth | Hunt a Barroth |
00633 | Special Arena: HR Tobi-Kadachi | Hunt a Tobi-Kadachi |
00634 | Special Arena: HR Anjanath | Hunt an Anjanath |
00635 | Special Arena: HR Rathian | Hunt a Rathian |
00636 | Special Arena: HR Paolumu | Hunt a Paolumu |
00637 | Special Arena: HR Radobaan | Hunt a Radobaan |
00641 | Left Quite the Impression | Guide Zorah Magdaros |
00651 | Hard to Swallow | Hunt a Great Jagras |
00652 | Googly-eyed Green Monster | Hunt a Pukei-Pukei |
00653 | A Hair-Raising Experience | Hunt a Tobi-Kadachi |
00654 | It Can't See You if You Don't Move | Hunt an Anjanath |
00655 | The Sleeping Sylvan Queen | Hunt a Rathian |
00656 | Stuck in Their Ways | Capture a Tobi-Kadachi |
00661 | Keep Your Hands to Yourself! | Hunt a Kulu-Ya-Ku |
00662 | A Crown of Mud and Anger | Hunt a Barroth |
00663 | Pukei-Pukei Ambush | Hunt a Pukei-Pukei |
00665 | Up to Your Waist in the Waste | Hunt a Jyuratodus |
00666 | Brown Desert, Green Queen | Hunt a Rathian |
00667 | Trespassing Troublemaker | Hunt an Anjanath |
00671 | Say Cheese! | Hunt a Tzitzi-Ya-Ku |
00672 | Loop the Paolumu | Hunt a Paolumu |
00681 | A Tingling Taste | Hunt a Great Girros |
00682 | Stuck in a Rut | Hunt a Radobaan |
00683 | Chef Quest! Pumped to Deliver | Deliver 4 Forgotten Fossils |
00684 | Chef Quest! A Rotten Request | Slay 10 Girros |
00691 | A Meow for Help | Slay 13 Gastodon |
00692 | A Scalding Scoop | Slay 5 Barnos |
00693 | Dodogama Drama | Hunt a Dodogama |
00694 | Chef Quest! Gajalaka Lockdown | Defeat 10 Gajalaka |
00701 | A Wound and a Thirst | Slay Nergigante |
00731 | Special Arena: HR Pink Rathian | Hunt a Pink Rathian |
00732 | Special Arena: HR Legiana | Hunt a Legiana |
00733 | Special Arena: HR Odogaron | Hunt an Odogaron |
00734 | Special Arena: HR Uragaan | Hunt an Uragaan |
00735 | Special Arena: HR Rathalos | Hunt a Rathalos |
00736 | Special Arena: HR Azure Rathalos | Hunt an Azure Rathalos |
00737 | Special Arena: HR Diablos | Hunt a Diablos |
00738 | Special Arena: HR Black Diablos | Hunt a Black Diablos |
00751 | Rathalos Rematch | Hunt a Rathalos |
00752 | Rathalos in Blue | Hunt an Azure Rathalos |
00753 | The Red and Blue Crew | Hunt all target monsters |
00761 | Pretty In Pink | Hunt a Pink Rathian |
00762 | Well, That Diablos! | Hunt a Diablos |
00763 | Two-horned Hostility | Hunt a Black Diablos |
00764 | RRRRRumble in the Waste! | Hunt all target monsters |
00771 | A Cherry Wind upon the Reefs | Hunt a Pink Rathian |
00772 | Legiana: Highlands Royalty | Hunt a Legiana |
00773 | A Sore Site | Hunt an Odogaron |
00774 | Talons of Ire and Ice | Hunt all target monsters |
00781 | Odogaron Unleashed | Hunt an Odogaron |
00791 | Lavasioth, Monster of Magma | Hunt a Lavasioth |
00792 | Ore-eating Occupier | Hunt an Uragaan |
00793 | Ruler of the Azure Skies | Hunt an Azure Rathalos |
00794 | Bazelgeuse in the Field of Fire | Hunt a Bazelgeuse |
00795 | A Fiery Convergence | Hunt all target monsters |
00801 | Kushala Daora, Dragon of Steel | Slay Kushala Daora |
00802 | Teostra the Infernal | Slay Teostra |
00803 | Hellish Fiend Vaal Hazak | Slay Vaal Hazak |
00804 | Land of Convergence | Complete the assignment |
00805 | Beyond the Blasting Scales | Hunt two Bazelgeuse |
00806 | Thunderous Rumble in the Highlands | Slay a Kirin |
00851 | A Portent of Disaster | Slay a Kushala Daora |
00861 | A Blaze on the Sand | Slay a Teostra |
00871 | Lightning Strikes Twice | Slay a Kirin |
00881 | Stirrings from the Grave | Slay a Vaal Hazak |
00891 | The Eater of Elders | Slay Nergigante |
00892 | Master of the Gale | Slay a Kushala Daora |
00893 | Hellfire's Stronghold | Slay a Teostra |
00894 | The Eater of Elders | Slay Nergigante |
00895 | The Winds of Wrath Bite Deep | Slay a Kushala Daora |
00896 | The Fires of Hell Bite Deep | Slay a Teostra |
00961 | Beyond the Blasting Scales | Hunt 2 Bazelgeuse |
00971 | Thunderous Rumble in the Highlands | Slay a Kirin |
00991 | A Light Upon the River's Gloom | Slay Xeno'jiiva |
00992 | The White Winds of the New World | Hunt all target monsters |
00995 | The Sapphire Star's Guidance | Slay all target monsters |
00996 | Showdown: the Muck and the Maul | Hunt all target monsters |
00997 | New World Sky, New World Flower | Hunt all target monsters |
00998 | A Summons from Below | Hunt all target monsters |
01101 | Baptism by Ice | Hunt a Beotodus |
01102 | Banbaro Blockade | Hunt a Banbaro |
01121 | Deep Snow Diver | Hunt a Beotodus |
01122 | Taking Charge | Hunt a Banbaro |
01123 | Ice Catch! | Capture a Beotodus |
01124 | Call of the Wild | Slay 10 Wulg |
01125 | Greetings from the Tundra | Deliver 20 Young Butterburs |
01131 | Special Arena: MR Pukei-Pukei | Hunt a Pukei-Pukei |
01132 | Special Arena: MR Barroth | Hunt a Barroth |
01133 | Special Arena: MR Tobi-Kadachi | Hunt a Tobi-Kadachi |
01134 | Special Arena: MR Banbaro | Hunt a Banbaro |
01151 | The Great Jagras Returns! | Hunt a Great Jagras |
01152 | New World Problems | Hunt a Pukei-Pukei |
01153 | Beating Around the Bush | Hunt a Tobi-Kadachi |
01154 | Literary Thief | Hunt a Kulu-Ya-Ku |
01155 | Trapping The Tree Trasher | Capture a Banbaro |
01161 | Wildspire Treasure Hunt | Hunt a Kulu-Ya-Ku |
01162 | Dragged Through the Mud | Hunt a Barroth |
01163 | Jyura In My Way | Hunt a Jyuratodus |
01164 | Taster's Tour | Hunt a Pukei-Pukei |
01171 | All the Wrong Signals | Hunt a Tzitzi-Ya-Ku |
01181 | Grinding my Girros | Hunt a Great Girros |
01191 | Can't Bring Yourself To It | Hunt a Dodogama |
01192 | This Here's Big Horn Country! | Hunt a Banbaro |
01201 | Ready to Strike | Hunt a Viper Tobi-Kadachi |
01202 | No Time for Naps | Hunt a Nightshade Paolumu |
01203 | Play Both Ends | Hunt a Coral Pukei-Pukei |
01221 | Analysis Creates Paralysis | Hunt a Viper Tobi-Kadachi |
01222 | Poison and Paralysis Pinch | Capture a Viper Tobi-Kadachi |
01223 | Boaboa Constrictor | Defeat 14 Boaboa |
01224 | By Our Powers Combined | Hunt a Beotodus |
01225 | You Scratch Our Backs... | Hunt a Beotodus |
01231 | Special Arena: MR Anjanath | Hunt an Anjanath |
01232 | Special Arena: MR Radobaan | Hunt a Radobaan |
01233 | Special Arena: MR Coral Pukei-Pukei | Hunt a Coral Pukei-Pukei |
01234 | Special Arena: MR Viper Tobi-Kadachi | Hunt a Viper Tobi-Kadachi |
01235 | Special Arena: MR Rathian | Hunt a Rathian |
01236 | Special Arena: MR Pink Rathian | Hunt a Pink Rathian |
01237 | Special Arena: MR Paolumu | Hunt a Paolumu |
01238 | Special Arena: MR Nightshade Paolumu | Hunt a Nightshade Paolumu |
01251 | Anjanath Antics | Hunt an Anjanath |
01252 | Fool's Mate | Hunt a Rathian |
01253 | Nighty Night Nightshade | Capture a Nightshade Paolumu |
01261 | A Queen At Heart | Hunt a Rathian |
01262 | A Face Nightmares Are Made Of | Hunt a Nightshade Paolumu |
01263 | Stick Your Nose Somewhere Else | Hunt an Anjanath |
01264 | Feisty Girl Talk | Hunt all target monsters |
01271 | The Plight of Paolumu | Hunt a Paolumu |
01272 | Pink Power Grab | Hunt a Pink Rathian |
01273 | Protip: Stay Hydrated | Hunt a Coral Pukei-Pukei |
01274 | Put That Red Cup Away | Hunt a Coral Pukei-Pukei |
01281 | No Laughing Matter | Hunt a Radobaan |
01282 | Bugger Off Bugs! | Slay all target monsters |
01291 | Looking For That Glimmer | Deliver 20 Gaia Ambers |
01301 | Blizzard Blitz | Hunt a Barioth |
01302 | Ever-present Shadow | Hunt a Nargacuga |
01303 | The Scorching Blade | Hunt a Glavenus |
01304 | Absolute Power | Hunt a Tigrex |
01305 | A Smashing Cross Counter | Hunt a Brachydios |
01306 | A Tale of Ice and Fire | Repel Velkhana |
01321 | Remember That One Time? | Hunt a Barioth |
01322 | The Purr-fect Room: Stone | Capture a Tigrex |
01323 | Proud White Knight | Hunt a Barioth |
01331 | Special Arena: MR Legiana | Hunt a Legiana |
01332 | Special Arena: MR Odogaron | Hunt an Odogaron |
01333 | Special Arena: MR Uragaan | Hunt an Uragaan |
01334 | Special Arena: MR Rathalos | Hunt a Rathalos |
01335 | Special Arena: MR Diablos | Hunt a Diablos |
01336 | Special Arena: MR Barioth | Hunt a Barioth |
01337 | Special Arena: MR Nargacuga | Hunt a Nargacuga |
01338 | Special Arena: MR Glavenus | Hunt a Glavenus |
01339 | Special Arena: MR Brachydios | Hunt a Brachydios |
01340 | Special Arena: MR Tigrex | Hunt a Tigrex |
01351 | Swoop to a New Low | Hunt a Rathalos |
01352 | Nargacoulda, Shoulda, Woulda | Hunt a Nargacuga |
01353 | The Secret to a Good Slice | Hunt a Glavenus |
01354 | Red and Black Aces | Hunt all target monsters |
01361 | A Line in the Sand | Hunt a Diablos |
01362 | A Flash of the Blade | Hunt a Glavenus |
01363 | Simmer and Slice! | Hunt all target monsters |
01371 | Legiana Left Behind | Hunt a Legiana |
01372 | The Black Wind | Hunt a Nargacuga |
01373 | A Nasty Flesh Wound | Hunt an Odogaron |
01381 | Don't be a Jerk with the Jerky | Hunt an Odogaron |
01382 | A Roar that Shook the Vale | Hunt a Tigrex |
01383 | Runnin', Rollin', and Weepin' | Hunt all target monsters |
01391 | Blast Warning In Effect! | Hunt a Brachydios |
01392 | Everyone's a Critic | Hunt a Lavasioth |
01393 | Begone Uragaan | Hunt an Uragaan |
01394 | Secret of the Ooze | Capture a Brachydios |
01395 | Festival of Explosions! | Hunt all target monsters |
01401 | When the Mist Taketh You | Hunt a Shrieking Legiana |
01402 | The Disintegrating Blade | Hunt an Acidic Glavenus |
01403 | Bad Friends, Great Enemies | Hunt an Ebony Odogaron |
01404 | The Defense of Seliana | Complete the assignment |
01405 | The Thunderous Troublemaker! | Hunt a Fulgur Anjanath |
01421 | Noblefrost Hunter | Hunt a Shrieking Legiana |
01422 | Tundra Troublemaker | Hunt a Fulgur Anjanath |
01423 | Duet of Rime | Hunt all target monsters |
01424 | Treasure in the Steam | Deliver 2 Hot Spring Stones |
01431 | Special Arena: MR Azure Rathalos | Hunt an Azure Rathalos |
01432 | Special Arena: MR Black Diablos | Hunt a Black Diablos |
01433 | Special Arena: MR Acidic Glavenus | Hunt an Acidic Glavenus |
01434 | Special Arena: MR Ebony Odogaron | Hunt an Ebony Odogaron |
01435 | Special Arena: MR Fulgur Anjanath | Hunt a Fulgur Anjanath |
01451 | These Azure Eyes See All | Hunt an Azure Rathalos |
01452 | Misfortune in the Forest | Hunt an Ebony Odogaron |
01461 | In the Heat of the Moment | Hunt a Black Diablos |
01462 | Piercing Black | Hunt a Black Diablos |
01471 | A Shadowy Offender | Hunt an Ebony Odogaron |
01481 | This Corroded Blade | Hunt an Acidic Glavenus |
01482 | The Purr-fect Room: Light Iron | Capture an Acidic Glavenus |
01483 | The Purr-fect Room: Dark Iron | Hunt all target monsters |
01491 | Blue Rathalos Blues | Hunt an Azure Rathalos |
01492 | Trap the Thunder Jaw | Capture a Fulgur Anjanath |
01501 | The Iceborne Wyvern | Slay a Velkhana |
01502 | The Second Coming | Hunt a Seething Bazelgeuse |
01503 | Under the Veil of Death | Slay a Blackveil Vaal Hazak |
01504 | A Light From The Abyss | Slay a Namielle |
01521 | Clashing Swords Upon The Rime | Slay a Velkhana |
01551 | The Harbinger of Clear Skies | Slay a Kushala Daora |
01552 | Here Comes the Deathmaker | Slay a Blackveil Vaal Hazak |
01561 | Royal Audience on the Sand | Slay a Teostra |
01562 | The Tyrant's Banquet | Hunt a Savage Deviljho |
01571 | Lightning Crashes | Slay a Kirin |
01572 | Memories of the Sea God | Slay a Namielle |
01581 | It's the Afterlife for Me | Slay a Blackveil Vaal Hazak |
01591 | Wings of the Wind | Slay a Kushala Daora |
01592 | Mark of the Sun | Slay a Teostra |
01593 | Seething with Anger | Hunt a Seething Bazelgeuse |
01594 | The Purr-fect Room: Silver | Capture a Seething Bazelgeuse |
01601 | To The Guided, A Paean | Complete the assignment |
01602 | Paean of Guidance | Complete the assignment |
01603 | Sleep Now in the Fire | Hunt all target monsters |
01604 | Big Burly Bash | Hunt all target monsters |
01605 | To the Very Ends with You | Slay a Ruiner Nergigante |
01606 | Return of the Crazy One | Hunt a Yian Garuga |
01631 | We Run This Town | Hunt all target monsters |
01632 | Special Arena: MR Zinogre | Hunt a Zinogre |
01633 | Special Arena: MR Yian Garuga | Hunt a Yian Garuga |
01634 | Special Arena: MR Brute Tigrex | Hunt a Brute Tigrex |
01635 | Special Arena: MR Gold Rathian | Hunt a Gold Rathian |
01636 | Special Arena: MR Silver Rathalos | Hunt a Silver Rathalos |
01641 | Faraway Lorelei | Slay a Shara Ishvalda |
01642 | Hymn of Moon and Sun | Hunt all target monsters |
01651 | The Storm Brings the Unexpected | Slay all target monsters |
01661 | One Hot Night in the Spire | Slay a Lunastra |
01671 | Divine Surge | Slay all target monsters |
01691 | Into the Palace of Flame | Slay a Lunastra |
01692 | Master Hunter of the New World | Slay all target monsters |
03001 | Arena Quest 02 | Slay a Kulu-Ya-Ku |
03002 | Arena Quest 03 | Slay a Rathian |
03031 | Arena Quest 04 | Slay a Tzitzi-Ya-Ku |
03032 | Arena Quest 05 | Slay a Barroth |
03033 | Arena Quest 06 | Slay a Dodogama |
03034 | Arena Quest 07 | Slay an Azure Rathalos |
03051 | Arena Quest 08 | Slay all target monsters |
03052 | Arena Quest 09 | Slay all target monsters |
03071 | Arena Master Quest 02 | Slay a Nightshade Paolumu |
03072 | Arena Master Quest 03 | Slay a Nargacuga |
03073 | Arena Master Quest 04 | Slay an Acidic Glavenus |
03074 | Arena Master Quest 05 | Slay all target monsters |
03091 | Arena Master Quest 06 | Slay a Zinogre |
03092 | Arena Master Quest 07 | Slay all target monsters |
03101 | Arena Quest 01 | Slay a Pukei-Pukei |
03171 | Arena Master Quest 01 | Slay a Banbaro |
05003 | Troubled Troupers | Hunt 2 Tzitzi-Ya-Ku |
30000 | Unavailable | Unavailable |
30001 | Unavailable | Unavailable |
30002 | Unavailable | Unavailable |
30003 | Unavailable | Unavailable |
30004 | Unavailable | Unavailable |
30005 | Unavailable | Unavailable |
30006 | Unavailable | Unavailable |
30007 | Unavailable | Unavailable |
30008 | Unavailable | Unavailable |
30009 | Unavailable | Unavailable |
50601 | A Visitor from Another World | Complete the assignment |
50701 | The Food Chain Dominator | Hunt a Deviljho |
50702 | Invalid Message | Hunt |
50751 | Today's Special: Hunter Flambé | Hunt a Deviljho |
50801 | The Blazing Sun | Slay Teostra |
50802 | Pandora's Arena | Complete the assignment |
50803 | No Remorse, No Surrender | Slay all target monsters |
50831 | Unavailable | Unavailable |
50861 | Infernal Monarchy | Slay all target monsters |
50891 | Blue Prominence | Slay Lunastra |
50892 | Blue Prominence | Slay Lunastra |
50901 | Banquet in the Earthen Hall | Repel Kulve Taroth |
50902 | The Fury of El Dorado | Repel Kulve Taroth |
50905 | The Legendary Beast | Complete the assignment |
50906 | He Taketh It with His Eyes | Slay the Behemoth |
50910 | Contract: Trouble in the Ancient Forest | Complete the assignment |
50991 | A Visitor from Eorzea | Slay the Behemoth |
50992 | Invalid Message | Hunt |
51603 | Across the Lost Path | Complete the assignment |
51604 | Point of No Return | Complete the assignment |
51605 | The Red Dragon | Slay Safi'jiiva |
51621 | Special Arena: MR Stygian Zinogre | Hunt a Stygian Zinogre |
51603 | Across the Lost Path | Complete the assignment |
51604 | Point of No Return | Complete the assignment |
51605 | The Red Dragon | Slay Safi'jiiva |
51606 | ...And My Rage for All | Slay a Raging Brachydios |
51607 | The Fury Remains | Hunt a Furious Rajang |
51622 | Achy Brachy Heart | Slay a Raging Brachydios |
51623 | All That Glitters is Furious | Hunt a Furious Rajang |
51624 | Unavailable | Unavailable |
51625 | Unavailable | Unavailable |
61101 | Up at the Crack of Dawn | Slay 12 Kestodon |
61103 | Where Sun Meets Moon | Hunt all target monsters |
61104 | Timberland Troublemakers | Hunt 2 Anjanath |
61105 | Every Hunter's Dream | Hunt all target monsters |
61601 | Midnight Mayhem | Slay 10 Gastodon |
61603 | A Royal Pain | Hunt all target monsters |
61604 | Kings Know No Fear | Hunt all target monsters |
61605 | Mosswinin' and Dinin' | Slay 5 Mosswine |
61606 | The Greatest Jagras | Hunt a Great Jagras |
61607 | The Name's Lavasioth! | Hunt a Lavasioth |
61801 | Pearl Snatchers | Deliver 6 Pearlspring Macaques |
61802 | Every Hunter's Dream III | Hunt all target monsters |
61803 | Every Hunter's Dream II | Capture a Coral Pukei-Pukei |
61805 | Duffel Duty | Deliver 8 Duffel Penguins |
61806 | Scores of Ores | Hunt a Brachydios |
61807 | A Chilling Entrance | Slay all target monsters |
61808 | Muscle Monkey Madness | Hunt 2 Rajang |
61809 | Paolumu Lullabies | Hunt a Nightshade Paolumu |
61811 | Flora Frostbite | Deliver 10 Iceblooms |
61812 | Beef is Never a Mi-steak | Hunt all target monsters |
61813 | 50 Shades of White | Hunt a Barioth |
61814 | A Shocking Climax | Hunt all target monsters |
62502 | The Deathly Quiet Curtain | Slay Vaal Hazak |
62503 | A Whisper of White Mane | Slay Kirin |
62504 | The Scorn of the Sun | Slay Teostra |
62505 | The Eye of the Storm | Slay Kushala Daora |
62506 | The Heralds of Destruction Cry | Slay Nergigante |
62511 | When Blue Dust Surpasses Red Lust | Slay Lunastra |
62515 | Relish the Moment | Hunt a Deviljho |
62606 | Undying Alpenglow | Guide Zorah Magdaros |
62607 | Like a Moth to the Flame | Slay Xeno'jiiva |
62608 | Gaze Upon the Dawn | Guide Zorah Magdaros |
62609 | Keeper of the Otherworld | Slay Xeno'jiiva |
63001 | Challenge Quest 1: Beginner | Slay all target monsters |
63002 | Challenge Quest 2: Beginner | Slay all target monsters |
63003 | Vespoid Infestation! | Slay 30 Vespoid |
63031 | Challenge Quest 1: Intermediate | Slay all target monsters |
63032 | Challenge Quest 2: Intermediate | Slay 2 Odogaron |
63033 | Gajalaka Outbreak! | Defeat 10 Gajalaka |
63038 | Empress in Full Bloom II | Slay Pink Rathian |
63039 | Empress in Full Bloom III | Slay Pink Rathian |
63051 | Challenge Quest 1: Expert | Slay all target monsters |
63052 | Challenge Quest 2: Expert | Slay Nergigante |
63071 | Challenge Quest 1: MR Intermediate | Slay all target monsters |
63072 | Challenge Quest 2: MR Intermediate | Slay all target monsters |
63073 | Challenge Quest 1: MR Expert | Slay a Yian Garuga |
63074 | Challenge Quest 2: MR Expert | Slay a Savage Deviljho |
63101 | Nergigante Slay Event 1 | Slay Nergigante |
63102 | Nergigante Slay Event 2 | Slay Nergigante |
63103 | Nergigante Slay Event 3 | Slay Nergigante |
63104 | Gale & Fangs Slay Event 1 | Slay all target monsters |
63105 | Gale & Fangs Slay Event 2 | Slay all target monsters |
63106 | Gale & Fangs Slay Event 3 | Slay all target monsters |
63107 | Nergigante Slay Event 4 | Slay Nergigante |
63108 | Deviljho Slay Event | Slay a Deviljho |
63109 | The Best of the Best | Slay all target monsters |
63110 | What Lurks In The Forest | Slay all target monsters |
63130 | When Law Meets War | Slay a Bazelgeuse |
63131 | The Hunter and The Blue Empress | Slay a Lunastra |
63142 | Farewell to the Frozen | Slay a Velkhana |
64101 | Wicked Wildspire Warfare | Hunt all target monsters |
64601 | Rollin' With The Uragaan | Hunt 2 Uragaan |
64801 | Balloon Fight | Hunt all target monsters |
64802 | Talk About a Party Foul... | Hunt a Seething Bazelgeuse |
65601 | Scrapping with the Shamos | Hunt 13 Shamos |
65602 | A Flash in the Pan | Hunt 3 Tzitzi-Ya-Ku |
65603 | Egg Lovers United | Hunt a Kulu-Ya-Ku |
65604 | Wiggle Me This | Deliver 10 Wigglers |
65605 | Triple Threat Throwdown | Hunt all target monsters |
65606 | A Simple Task | Deliver 10 Gourmet Shroomcap |
65607 | Tracking the Delivery | Deliver 10 Blue Beryl |
66101 | Chew The Fat | Hunt 2 Great Jagras |
66102 | Ya-Ku With That? | Hunt all target monsters |
66103 | Flesh Cleaved to Bone | Hunt all target monsters |
66104 | Kirin The Myth | Slay 2 Kirin |
66105 | The Poison Posse | Hunt all target monsters |
66106 | Greeting the Gluttons | Hunt all target monsters |
66601 | Deep Green Blues | Hunt all target monsters |
66602 | Wildspire Bolero | Hunt all target monsters |
66603 | Coral Waltz | Hunt all target monsters |
66604 | Effluvial Opera | Hunt all target monsters |
66605 | Rock N' Roll Recess | Hunt all target monsters |
66606 | This is How Revolts Start | Hunt all target monsters |
66607 | Snow & Cherry Blossoms | Hunt all target monsters |
66608 | A Nose for an Eye | Hunt all target monsters |
66609 | No Tomorrow for Usurpers | Hunt Bazelgeuse |
66610 | The Thronetaker | Slay all target monsters |
66801 | Trophy Fishin' | Hunt all target monsters |
66802 | The Lord of the Underworld Beckons | Deliver 20 Underground Fruit |
66803 | A Bunch of Sticks in the Mud | Hunt all target monsters |
66804 | Desert Desserts | Deliver 20 Hardfruit |
66805 | A New Troublemaker in Town | Hunt all target monsters |
66806 | Colorful Carnival | Hunt all target monsters |
66807 | Hunter-Blunderer | Hunt all target monsters |
66808 | A Sky & Sea of Fire | Hunt all target monsters |
66809 | A Curious Experiment | Hunt all target monsters |
66810 | Soaked and Shivering | Hunt all target monsters |
66811 | Fired-Up Bruisers | Hunt all target monsters |
66812 | The Desert Dash | Hunt all target monsters |
66813 | In the Depths of the Forest | Hunt all target monsters |
66814 | Servants of the Vale | Hunt all target monsters |
66815 | We Three Kings | Slay all target monsters |
66816 | The Winter Blues | Slay all target monsters |
66817 | A Reason Behind The Hunger | Hunt a Savage Deviljho |
66818 | Moonlit Howl | Hunt a Zinogre |
66819 | I Am Tranquil, I Am Sound | Hunt a Yian Garuga |
66820 | A Roar that Splinters the Sky | Hunt a Brute Tigrex |
66821 | A Glance of Silver | Hunt a Silver Rathalos |
66822 | The Moon is a Harsh Queen | Hunt a Gold Rathian |
66824 | Razzled, Frazzled, and Dazzled | Hunt a Rajang |
66825 | Scars Tell the Whole Story | Hunt a Scarred Yian Garuga |
66826 | Yodeling in the Forest | Hunt all target monsters |
66827 | Heavy Metal in the Waste | Hunt all target monsters |
66828 | Symphony of the Coral | Hunt all target monsters |
66829 | Rotten Canzone | Hunt all target monsters |
66830 | Alt Rock Recess | Hunt all target monsters |
66831 | Ballad of the Hoarfrost | Hunt all target monsters |
66832 | Wolf Out of Hell | Hunt a Stygian Zinogre |
66834 | When the Swift Meets the Roar | Hunt all target monsters |
66835 | The Wrath of Thunder Descends | Hunt a Zinogre |
66836 | Ode to the Destruction | Slay a Ruiner Nergigante |
67103 | A Rush of Blood | Hunt 2 Odogaron |
67106 | USJ: Gold Star Treatment | Hunt 3 Great Jagras |
67604 | USJ Blazing Azure Stars! | Hunt all target monsters |
67605 | Code: Red | Hunt all target monsters |
67606 | A Visitor from Eorzea (Extreme) | Slay a Behemoth |
67608 | SDF: Silent, Deadly, and Fierce | Hunt all target monsters |
67610 | Contract: Woodland Spirit | Slay the Ancient Leshen |
67801 | RE: Return of the Bioweapon | Slay a Blackveil Vaal Hazak |
61815 | Skyward Snipers | Deliver 5 Grandfather Mantagrells |
61816 | A Fish to Whet Your Appetite | Deliver 2 Great Whetfish |
67807 | The Assassin | Hunt a Nargacuga |
66833 | The Eternal Gold Rush | Slay Kulve Taroth |
66847 | The Distant Dark Tide | Slay a Namielle |
66859 | Talk About a Party Foul... | Hunt a Seething Bazelgeuse |
66860 | The Wrath of Thunder Descends | Hunt a Zinogre |
63148 | The Conqueror of Hoarfrost | Slay all target monsters |
66840 | In the Tempest's Wake | Slay a Kushala Daora |
66841 | Day of Ruin | Slay a Teostra |
66842 | The Cold Never Bothered Me | Slay a Lunastra |
66843 | The Evening Star | Slay an Alatreon |
66844 | Dawn of the Death Star | Slay an Alatreon |
66846 | The Last White Knight | Hunt a Frostfang Barioth |
66853 | Fetching Light Pearls | Deliver 8 Light Pearls |
66854 | Camoflawed | Hunt a Rathian |
66855 | Seeing is Believing | Hunt a Tigrex |
66856 | Don't Forget The Earplugs! | Hunt a Yian Garuga |
66857 | Monkey Business | Hunt a Furious Rajang |
66858 | The Naked Truth | Slay a Shara Ishvalda |
66861 | Mew are Number One! | Hunt a Furious Rajang |
66867 | Old Dog, New Trick | Hunt a Frostfang Barioth |
66845 | Fade to Black | Slay Fatalis |
66850 | The Place Where Winter Sleeps | Slay a Velkhana |
66862 | Kadachi Twins | Hunt all target monsters |
66863 | Tears from Nirvana | Slay a Blackveil Vaal Hazak |
66864 | Mighty Muscle Monkey Madness | Hunt 2 Furious Rajang |
67806 | USJ: Shine On Forever | Slay a Velkhana |
67809 | USJ: Ballet of Frost | Hunt a Frostfang Barioth |
66865 | A Farewell to Zinogre | Hunt a Zinogre |
66866 | Brand New Brute | Hunt a Brute Tigrex |
Mission ID | Title | Target |
0 | Field Research: Mining Outcrops | Mine 6 times at mining outcrops. |
1 | Field Research: Mining Outcrops | Mine 12 times at mining outcrops. |
2 | Field Research: Bonepiles | Gather 6 times at bonepiles. |
3 | Field Research: Bonepiles | Gather 12 times at bonepiles. |
4 | Field Research: Flora | Gather plants 4 times. |
5 | Field Research: Flora | Gather plants 7 times. |
6 | Field Research: Mushrooms | Gather mushrooms 4 times. |
7 | Field Research: Mushrooms | Gather mushrooms 7 times. |
8 | Field Research: Entomology | Gather insects 3 times. |
9 | Field Research: Entomology | Gather insects 5 times. |
10 | Field Research: Honey | Gather honey 3 times. |
11 | Field Research: Honey | Gather honey 5 times. |
12 | Ecology Survey: Large Monster Hunt | Hunt 2 large monsters. |
13 | Ecology Survey: Large Monster Hunt | Hunt 1 large monster. |
14 | Ecology Survey: Large Monster Capture | Capture 1 large monster. |
15 | Ecology Survey: Small Monster Culling | Slay 8 small monsters. |
16 | Ecology Survey: Small Monster Culling | Slay 16 small monsters. |
17 | Research Progress: Ancient Forest | Complete 2 quests in the Ancient Forest. |
18 | Research Progress: Ancient Forest | Complete 3 quests in the Ancient Forest. |
19 | Research Progress: Wildspire Waste | Complete 2 quests in the Wildspire Waste. |
20 | Research Progress: Wildspire Waste | Complete 3 quests in the Wildspire Waste. |
21 | Field Research: Mining Outcrops | Mine 9 times at mining outcrops. |
22 | Field Research: Mining Outcrops | Mine 15 times at mining outcrops. |
23 | Field Research: Bonepiles | Gather 9 times at bonepiles. |
24 | Field Research: Bonepiles | Gather 15 times at bonepiles. |
25 | Field Research: Flora | Gather plants 5 times. |
26 | Field Research: Flora | Gather plants 8 times. |
27 | Field Research: Mushrooms | Gather mushrooms 5 times. |
28 | Field Research: Mushrooms | Gather mushrooms 8 times. |
29 | Field Research: Entomology | Gather insects 4 times. |
30 | Field Research: Entomology | Gather insects 7 times. |
31 | Field Research: Honey | Gather honey 4 times. |
32 | Field Research: Honey | Gather honey 7 times. |
33 | Ecology Survey: Large Monster Hunt | Hunt 3 large monsters. |
34 | Ecology Survey: Large Monster Hunt | Hunt 2 large monsters. |
35 | Ecology Survey: Large Monster Capture | Capture 2 large monsters. |
36 | Ecology Survey: Large Monster Capture | Capture 1 large monster. |
37 | Ecology Survey: Small Monster Culling | Slay 10 small monsters. |
38 | Ecology Survey: Small Monster Culling | Slay 20 small monsters. |
39 | Ecology Survey: Fanged Wyvern Hunt | Hunt 2 large fanged wyverns. |
40 | Ecology Survey: Fanged Wyvern Capture | Capture 1 large fanged wyvern. |
41 | Ecology Survey: Bird Wyvern Hunt | Hunt 2 large bird wyverns. |
42 | Ecology Survey: Bird Wyvern Capture | Capture 1 large bird wyvern. |
43 | Ecology Survey: Brute Wyvern Hunt | Hunt 2 large brute wyverns. |
44 | Ecology Survey: Brute Wyvern Capture | Capture 1 large brute wyvern. |
45 | Ecology Survey: Flying Wyvern Hunt | Hunt 2 large flying wyverns. |
46 | Ecology Survey: Flying Wyvern Capture | Capture 1 large flying wyvern. |
47 | Research Progress: Ancient Forest | Complete 2 quests in the Ancient Forest. |
48 | Research Progress: Ancient Forest | Complete 3 quests in the Ancient Forest. |
49 | Research Progress: Wildspire Waste | Complete 2 quests in the Wildspire Waste. |
50 | Research Progress: Wildspire Waste | Complete 3 quests in the Wildspire Waste. |
51 | Research Progress: Coral Highlands | Complete 2 quests in the Coral Highlands. |
52 | Research Progress: Coral Highlands | Complete 3 quests in the Coral Highlands. |
53 | Research Progress: Rotten Vale | Complete 2 quests in the Rotten Vale. |
54 | Research Progress: Rotten Vale | Complete 3 quests in the Rotten Vale. |
55 | Research Progress: Investigations | Complete 2 investigations. |
56 | Research Progress: Investigations | Complete 3 investigations. |
57 | Ecology Survey: Large Monster Hunt | Hunt 2 high rank large monsters. |
58 | Ecology Survey: Large Monster Capture | Capture 1 high rank large monster. |
59 | Ecology Survey: Small Monster Culling | Slay 10 high rank small monsters. |
60 | Research Progress: Ancient Forest | Complete 2 high rank quests in the Ancient Forest. |
61 | Research Progress: Wildspire Waste | Complete 2 high rank quests in the Wildspire Waste. |
62 | Research Progress: Coral Highlands | Complete 2 high rank quests in the Coral Highlands. |
63 | Research Progress: Rotten Vale | Complete 2 high rank quests in the Rotten Vale. |
64 | Research Progress: Investigations | Complete 2 high rank investigations. |
65 | Field Research: Mining Outcrops | Mine 15 times at mining outcrops. |
66 | Field Research: Bonepiles | Gather 15 times at bonepiles. |
67 | Field Research: Flora | Gather plants 8 times. |
68 | Field Research: Mushrooms | Gather mushrooms 8 times. |
69 | Field Research: Entomology | Gather insects 7 times. |
70 | Field Research: Honey | Gather honey 7 times. |
71 | Ecology Survey: Large Monster Hunt | Hunt 3 high rank large monsters. |
72 | Ecology Survey: Large Monster Capture | Capture 2 high rank large monsters. |
73 | Ecology Survey: Small Monster Culling | Slay 20 high rank small monsters. |
74 | Ecology Survey: Fanged Wyvern Hunt | Hunt 2 large high rank fanged wyverns. |
75 | Ecology Survey: Fanged Wyvern Capture | Capture 1 large high rank fanged wyvern. |
76 | Ecology Survey: Bird Wyvern Hunt | Hunt 2 large high rank bird wyverns. |
77 | Ecology Survey: Bird Wyvern Capture | Capture 1 large high rank bird wyvern. |
78 | Ecology Survey: Brute Wyvern Hunt | Hunt 2 large high rank brute wyverns. |
79 | Ecology Survey: Brute Wyvern Capture | Capture 1 large high rank brute wyvern. |
80 | Ecology Survey: Flying Wyvern Hunt | Hunt 2 large high rank flying wyverns. |
81 | Ecology Survey: Flying Wyvern Capture | Capture 1 large high rank flying wyvern. |
82 | Ecology Survey: Piscine Wyvern Hunt | Hunt 2 large high rank piscine wyverns. |
83 | Ecology Survey: Piscine Wyvern Capture | Capture 1 large high rank piscine wyvern. |
84 | Research Progress: Ancient Forest | Complete 3 high rank quests in the Ancient Forest. |
85 | Research Progress: Wildspire Waste | Complete 3 high rank quests in the Wildspire Waste. |
86 | Research Progress: Coral Highlands | Complete 3 high rank quests in the Coral Highlands. |
87 | Research Progress: Rotten Vale | Complete 3 high rank quests in the Rotten Vale. |
88 | Research Progress: Elder's Recess | Complete 3 high rank quests in the Elder's Recess. |
89 | Research Progress: Investigations | Complete 3 high rank investigations. |
90 | Ecology Survey: Elder Dragon Culling | Slay 2 high rank elder dragons. |
91 | Field Research: Mining Outcrops | Mine 21 times at mining outcrops. |
92 | Field Research: Bonepiles | Gather 21 times at bonepiles. |
93 | Field Research: Flora | Gather plants 12 times. |
94 | Field Research: Mushrooms | Gather mushrooms 12 times. |
95 | Field Research: Entomology | Gather insects 10 times. |
96 | Field Research: Honey | Gather honey 10 times. |
97 | Ecology Survey: Large Monster Hunt | Hunt 4 high rank large monsters. |
98 | Ecology Survey: Large Monster Capture | Capture 3 high rank large monsters. |
99 | Ecology Survey: Small Monster Culling | Slay 30 high rank small monsters. |
100 | Ecology Survey: Fanged Wyvern Hunt | Hunt 3 large high rank fanged wyverns. |
101 | Ecology Survey: Fanged Wyvern Capture | Capture 2 large high rank fanged wyverns. |
102 | Ecology Survey: Bird Wyvern Hunt | Hunt 3 large high rank bird wyverns. |
103 | Ecology Survey: Bird Wyvern Capture | Capture 2 large high rank bird wyverns. |
104 | Ecology Survey: Brute Wyvern Hunt | Hunt 3 large high rank brute wyverns. |
105 | Ecology Survey: Brute Wyvern Capture | Capture 2 large high rank brute wyverns. |
106 | Ecology Survey: Flying Wyvern Hunt | Hunt 3 large high rank flying wyverns. |
107 | Ecology Survey: Flying Wyvern Capture | Capture 2 large high rank flying wyverns. |
108 | Ecology Survey: Piscine Wyvern Hunt | Hunt 3 large high rank piscine wyverns. |
109 | Ecology Survey: Piscine Wyvern Capture | Capture 2 large high rank piscine wyverns. |
110 | Ecology Survey: Elder Dragon Culling | Slay 3 high rank elder dragons. |
111 | Research Progress: Ancient Forest | Complete 4 high rank quests in the Ancient Forest. |
112 | Research Progress: Wildspire Waste | Complete 4 high rank quests in the Wildspire Waste. |
113 | Research Progress: Coral Highlands | Complete 4 high rank quests in the Coral Highlands. |
114 | Research Progress: Rotten Vale | Complete 4 high rank quests in the Rotten Vale. |
115 | Research Progress: Elder's Recess | Complete 4 high rank quests in the Elder's Recess. |
116 | Research Progress: Investigations | Complete 4 high rank investigations. |
117 | Cultural Exchange: Wildspire Waste | Capture 3 Protectors |
118 | Cultural Exchange: Wildspire Waste II | Report to the Protectors at their settlement. |
119 | Cultural Exchange: Gajalaka Linguistics | Collect 10 Gajalaka tracks. |
120 | Cultural Exchange: Gajalaka Linguistics II | Discover the Gajalaka settlement. |
121 | Research Help: Pink Parexus Capture | Capture a Pink Parexus. |
122 | Research Help: Sushifish Capture | Capture a Sushifish. |
123 | Research Help: Gunpowderfish Capture | Capture a Gunpowderfish. |
124 | Research Help: Goldenfish Capture | Capture a Goldenfish. |
125 | Research Help: Platinumfish Capture | Capture a Platinumfish. |
126 | Research Help: Woodland Pteryx Capture | Capture a Woodland Pteryx. |
127 | Research Help: Carrier Ant Capture | Capture 9 Carrier Ants. |
128 | Research Help: Wiggler Capture | Capture 3 Wigglers. |
129 | Research Help: Scavantula Capture | Capture 5 Scavantula. |
130 | Research Help: Bomb Beetle Capture | Capture a Bomb Beetle. |
131 | Research Help: Capture The Ancient | Capture endemic life known as the ancient creature of the New World. |
132 | Research Help: Phantom Bird | Capture endemic life known as the phantom bird. |
133 | Rebuild the Ancient Forest Camp | Secure the campsite. |
134 | Invalid Message | Invalid Message |
Delivery ID | Title |
0 | Sprouting an Ancient Tree |
1 | Grow, Greenery, Grow |
2 | A Mountain of Mushrooms |
3 | The Pied Bug Piper |
4 | Shattering the Grass Ceiling |
5 | A Gentle Earthen Bed |
6 | To Hold a Harvest |
7 | Your Storage Solution |
8 | Setting Up Camp: Ancient Forest I |
9 | Setting Up Camp: Ancient Forest II |
10 | Setting Up Camp: Wildspire Waste I |
11 | Invalid Message |
12 | Setting Up Camp: Wildspire Waste II |
13 | Setting Up Camp: Coral Highlands |
14 | Setting Up Camp: Elder's Recess I |
15 | Setting Up Camp: Elder's Recess II |
16 | The Shortcut to Happiness |
17 | Armory R&D: Waterproofing |
18 | Armory R&D: Weatherizing |
19 | Mushrooms: Nature's Smelly Bounty |
20 | A Feast of Fish |
21 | Princely Prawns |
22 | Million Zenny Veggie |
23 | A Thousand-Year-Old Crab!? |
24 | Tomatoes Red As Magma |
25 | The Juicy Meat Resistance |
26 | The Bone-In Roast Resistance |
27 | Ancient But Fresh! |
28 | A Veggie Master of Disguise |
29 | Phantasmagoric Paprika! |
30 | A Master's Toast |
31 | A Fire-Spewing Brew |
32 | A Great Help |
33 | Wisdom of Sabi |
34 | Spirit of Sabi |
35 | Strength of Sabi |
36 | Foundation of Sabi |
37 | Flight of Sabi |
38 | Wisdom of Homare |
39 | Spirit of Homare |
40 | Strength of Homare |
41 | Foundation of Homare |
42 | Flight of Homare |
43 | Breaking out the Brigade |
44 | Budding Blossoms |
45 | Death Becomes You |
46 | Deep Dive Down |
47 | Lurking in the Shadows |
48 | Float Like Butterflies |
49 | Dante's Inferno |
50 | The Honor of the Drachen |
51 | Cross My Heart |
52 | Time to Harvest! |
53 | The Whole Hog |
54 | Just the Faux |
55 | |
56 | Original Origin |
57 | |
58 | Commanding the Commish |
59 | Threads of Orion |
60 | Quite the Eyesore |
61 | Wiggly Wobbly Woo |
62 | Scalping for Skulls |
63 | |
64 | Dressed to the Nines |
65 | Buggin' Out |
66 | Unavailable |
67 | Klutzy Kulu Kapers |
68 | |
69 | |
70 | Unavailable |
71 | Unavailable |
Credit to Jodo, Vuze