Obtaining, Converting and Replacing Textures - Ezekial711/MonsterHunterWorldModding GitHub Wiki

To obtain files make sure you follow the extraction guide located Here.

If you are looking for specific textures, you can utilize the links in the sidebar under "File IDs"

  1. So, in most folders that contain a mod3 file there are a myriad of files. Tex files are the texture files, and there are a few with different functionality:

BML.TEX – Bitmap texture. More detailed rundown Here.

BM.TEX – Bitmap texture that uses semi-transparent materials. More detailed rundown Here.

CMM.TEX – Color Map File. More detailed rundown Here.

NM.TEX – Normal Map texture. More detailed rundown Here.

EM.TEX – Emission map texture. More detailed rundown Here.

RMT.TEX – Roughness, Metalness and Transparency texture. More detailed rundown Here.

FM.TEX – Fur texture. More detailed rundown Here.

XM.TEX – Specular texture. More detailed rundown Here.

  1. These TEX files are all just dds files with part of the data moved to a weird location so people can’t just open them up as are. So you need a converter to convert the tex to a dds file: https://www.nexusmods.com/monsterhunterworld/mods/440

[Image 1]

  1. Drop the tex file onto the exe file and it will automatically convert it into a DDS, and add which type of compression was used. From this you can open it up in photoshop or GIMP, using plugins that are referenced on the texture converter description.

[Image 2]

  1. This will give you a dds file you can edit with gimp/photoshop provided you have the right plugins for it.

Gimp dds plugin

Intel Photoshop dds plugin

NVIDIA photoshop dds plugin

  1. To convert to a tex file, all you need to do is drop the dds file onto the tex converter, and it will turn it into a tex file that you can rename to match the original file and place into your nativePC directory.

[Image 3]


If you do this a lot, you may want to make Jodo's tool the default program for .tex files. To do this you would right click a tex file and select open with:

[Image 4]

Then you would hit More Apps and scroll to the bottom to find "Look for another app on this PC"

[Image 5]

Then you would find where you placed the jodo exe, and open that. In my case I just threw it in downloads, but it wouldn't be ill advised to put it in documents/program files/desktop.

[Image 6]