Material Previews - Ezekial711/MonsterHunterWorldModding GitHub Wiki
Infomation | Preview |
0 Ch_Enemy_Test | |
1 Ch_EC_Mt | |
2 Ch_EMS_Mt | |
3 Ch_EM011_Mt Like a flag blown by the wind 预览 | |
4 Ch_FakeEye_Mt | |
5 Ch_EM044_Mt | |
6 Ch_EM103_Mt | |
7 Ch_EM100_Mt | |
8 Ch_EM102_Mt | |
9 Ch_EM106_Mt | |
10 Ch_EM024_Mt | |
11 Ch_EM036_Mt | |
12 Ch_EM111_Mt | |
13 Ch_EM118_Mt | |
14 Ch_EC021_Mt | |
15 Ch_EM002_Mt | |
16 Ch_EM109_Mt Multiple display effect?(pay attention to the cat) 预览 | |
17 Ch_EM110_Mt | |
18 Ch_EM045_Mt | |
19 Ch_EM116_Mt | |
20 Ch_EM001_Mt | |
21 Ch_EM112_Mt | |
22 | |
23 Ch_EM007_Mt | |
24 Ch_EM026_Mt | |
25 Ch_EM027_Mt | |
26 Ch_EM043_Mt | |
27 | |
28 Ch_EM101_Mt | |
29 Ch_EM105_Mt | |
30 Ch_EM107_Mt | |
31 Ch_EM108_Mt | |
32 Ch_EM113_Mt | |
33 Ch_EM114_Mt | |
34 Ch_EM115_Mt | |
35 Ch_EM117_Mt | |
36 Ch_EM120_Mt | |
37 Ch_EM105_EVC_Mt | |
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56 | |
57 Ch_Fur_Mt | |
58 Ch_FakeInner transparent | |
59 Ch_FakeSphere | |
60 | |
61 Ch_FakeLens Changes according to visual position (distortion?) 预览 | |
62 | |
63 | |
64 Ch_FakeSphere_Lite Changes according to visual position (translation?) 预览 | |
65 Ch_EditFace_Mt | |
66 Ch_PL_Eye_Mt | |
67 Ch_PL_Hair_Mt | |
68 Ch_Skin_Mt | |
69 Ch_Pl_Standard_Mt | |
70 Ch_Wp_Mt | |
71 Ch_Emblem_Mt | |
72 | |
73 NPC_Mt | |
74 NPC_Skin_Mt | |
75 NPC_Face_Mt | |
76 NPC_EditFace_Mt | |
77 NPC_Hair_Mt | |
78 NPC_Eye_Mt | |
79 Ch_Standard_Mt | |
80 Ch_Niku_Mt | |
81 Ch_OT_Mt | |
82 Ch_Burn_Mt | |
83 Ch_Uber_Mt | |
84 | |
85 Ch_Trace_Mt | |
86 Ch_Pg_Mt | |
87 | |
88 | |
89 | |
90 Landscape_Mt | |
91 Landscape_Flow_Mt | |
92 | |
93 Pop_Fur_Mt | |
94 Pop_SCR_Standard_Mt | |
95 Pop_Standard_Blend_Mt | |
96 Pop_Standard_Mt_leaf | |
97 Pop_Fur_Mt_dither | |
98 Pop_SCR_Standard_Mt_dither | |
99 Pop_Standard_Blend_Mt_dither | |
100 Pop_Standard_Mt_leaf_dither | |
101 Pop_SpeedTree_Mt_dither | |
102 | |
103 Pop_SpeedTree_Mt_leaf_dither | |
104 | |
105 Pop_SpeedTree_Mt | |
106 Pop_SpeedTreeBlend_Mt | |
107 Pop_SpeedTree_Mt_leaf | |
108 | |
109 Pop_SCR_FakeRefraction_Mt | |
110 Pop_SCR_FakeRefraction_Mt_dither | |
111 | |
112 | |
113 Pop_Hide_SpeedTree_Mt | |
114 Pop_Hide_SpeedTree_Mt_leaf | |
115 | |
116 | |
117 Pop_SCR_Transparent_Mt | |
118 | |
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130 SCR_Std_Bld_moss01_UP | |
131 SCR_Std_Bld_sand01_UP | |
132 SCR_Std_Bld_moss00_UP | |
133 SCR_Std_Bld_sand00_UP | |
134 SCR_Std_Bld_gold00_UP | |
135 | |
136 | |
137 SCR_Standard_Mt | |
138 SCR_Standard_Mt_leaf | |
139 SCR_Standard_Blend_Mt | |
140 SCR_Flow_Dir_Mt | |
141 SCR_Fur_Mt | |
142 Shadow_Mt | |
143 SCR_water_fall_Mt transparent,flowing fastly water | |
144 SCR_IvyFloor_Mt | |
145 SCR_water_Land_Mt transparent, flowing slowly water | |
146 SCR_FakeRefraction_Mt Convex lens? opaque | |
147 SCR_Fur01_Mt | |
148 SCR_waterNoLit_Land_Under_Mt transparent, swamp? | |
149 | |
150 | |
151 SCR_distortion_Mt transparent | |
152 SCR_Decal_Mt transparent, grey lenses? | |
153 Shadow_invalid_Mt It seems to be the default Material , which can be found in most mrl3 | |
154 SCR_FlagWave_Mt Viscous fluid | |
155 SCR_Transparent_Mt | |
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169 Dummy_Sky_Mt | |
170 VFX_Water_Mt transparent, bubble? | |
171 VFX_Flood_Mt transparent | |
172 VFX_EmissiveFog_Mt transparent, fog? | |
173 VFX_Wave_Mt The model disappeared by half | |
174 VFX_Standard | |
175 VFX_Tornado_Mt | |
176 VFX_DistDisp_Mt transparent multiple layers | |
177 VFX_FakeInner_Mt | |
178 VFX_DispWave_Mt glass | |
179 VFX_SandFall_Mt black or white | |
180 VFX_DistDispW_Mt | |
181 VFX_DebufBody_Mt transparent, gray view | |
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185 SpeedTree_Mt | |
186 SpeedTreeBlend_Mt | |
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188 SpeedTree_Mt_leaf | |
189 | |
190 SpeedTree_Mt_MDV_Blbd Changes according to visual position (distortion?) 预览 | |
191 SpeedTree_Transparent_Mt | |
192 SpeedTree_TransparentBlend_Mt | |
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by Recluse