3d Model Bone Function Tables - Ezekial711/MonsterHunterWorldModding GitHub Wiki

Semi automated ways to work with this can be found here.

Statyk Table for Player Female Model Bone Functions

File with reference weightings can be found here:

ID Body Part
0 Bone_Root
1 Bone_Waist
2 Bone_Chest
3 Bone_Neck
4 Bone_Head
5 Bone_Shoulder_L
6 Bone_Bicep_L
7 Bone_Forearm_L
8 Bone_Hand_L
9 Bone_Shoulder_R
10 Bone_Bicep_R
11 Bone_Forearm_R
12 Bone_Hand_R
13 Bone_Pelvis
14 Bone_Thigh_L
15 Bone_Calf_L
16 Bone_Foot_L
17 Bone_Toe_L
18 Bone_Thigh_R
19 Bone_Calf_R
20 Bone_Foot_R
21 Bone_Toe_R
30 Bone_Hand_Tw_L
31 Bone_Finger_Thumb_A_L
32 Bone_Finger_Thumb_B_L
33 Bone_Finger_Thumb_C_L
34 Bone_Finger_Index_A_L
35 Bone_Finger_Index_B_L
36 Bone_Finger_Index_C_L
37 Bone_Finger_Middle_A_L
38 Bone_Finger_Middle_B_L
39 Bone_Finger_Middle_C_L
40 Bone_Hand_Meta_L
41 Bone_Finger_Ring_A_L
42 Bone_Finger_Ring_B_L
43 Bone_Finger_Ring_C_L
44 Bone_Finger_Pinky_A_L
45 Bone_Finger_Pinky_B_L
46 Bone_Finger_Pinky_C_L
47 Bone_Hand_Tw_R
48 Bone_Finger_Thumb_A_R
49 Bone_Finger_Thumb_B_R
50 Bone_Finger_Thumb_C_R
51 Bone_Finger_Index_A_R
52 Bone_Finger_Index_B_R
53 Bone_Finger_Index_C_R
54 Bone_Finger_Middle_A_R
55 Bone_Finger_Middle_B_R
56 Bone_Finger_Middle_C_R
57 Bone_Hand_Meta_R
58 Bone_Finger_Ring_A_R
59 Bone_Finger_Ring_B_R
60 Bone_Finger_Ring_C_R
61 Bone_Finger_Pinky_A_R
62 Bone_Finger_Pinky_B_R
63 Bone_Finger_Pinky_C_R
64 Bone_AttID_64 / Bone_Dress_Front_L
66 Bone_AttID_66 / Bone_Dress_Rear_L
67 Bone_AttID_67 / Bone_Dress_Front_R
69 Bone_AttID_69 / Bone_Dress_Rear_R
70 Bone_Pauldron_L
71 Bone_Elbow_L
72 Bone_Pauldron_R
73 Bone_Elbow_R
74 Bone_Butt_L
75 Bone_Knee_L
76 Bone_Butt_R
77 Bone_Knee_R
80 Bone_Bicep_Tw_L
81 Bone_Forearm_Tw_L
82 Bone_Bicep_Tw_R
83 Bone_Forearm_Tw_R
84 Bone_Foot_Tw_L
85 Bone_Foot_Tw_R
101 Bone_Slinger_Shaft
102 Bone_Slinger_Hook
103 Bone_Slinger_Bow_R
104 Bone_Slinger_Bow_L
150 Bone_Breast_L
151 Bone_Breast_L_End
152 Bone_Breast_R
153 Bone_Breast_R_End
247 Bone_AttID_247
248 Bone_AttID_248
249 Bone_AttID_249
250 Bone_AttID_250
251 Bone_AttID_251
252 Bone_AttID_252
253 Bone_AttID_253
254 Bone_Neck_Tw

Karbon Table for Ciri Player Model

000 Root/No Weight
001 Belly
002 Chest
003 Neck
004 Jaw
005 L Clavicle
006 L Upperarm Twist
007 L Forearm
008 L Hand
009 R Clavicle
010 R Upperarm Twist
011 R Forearm
012 R Hand
013 Pelvis
014 L Thigh
015 L Calf
016 L Foot
017 L Toe
018 R Thigh
019 R Calf
020 R Foot
021 R Toe
030 L Hand Attachment
031 L Thumb 1
032 L Thumb 2
033 L Thumb 3
034 L Index 1
035 L Index 2
036 L Index 3
037 L Middle 1
038 L Middle 2
039 L Middle 3
040 L Knuckle Last 2
041 L Ring 1
042 L Ring 2
043 L Ring 3
044 L Pinky 1
045 L Pinky 2
046 L Pinky 3
047 R Hand Attachment
048 R Thumb 1
049 R Thumb 2
050 R Thumb 3
051 R Index 1
052 R Index 2
053 R Index 3
054 R Middle 1
055 R Middle 2
056 R Middle 3
057 R Knuckle Last 2
058 R Ring 1
059 R Ring 2
060 R Ring 3
061 R Pinky 1
062 R Pinky 2
063 R Pinky 3
064 Front Left Skirt
065 ??
066 Back Left Skirt
067 Front Right Skirt
068 ??
069 Back Right Skirt
070 L Shoulder Low
071 L Elbow
072 R Shoulder Low
073 R Elbow
074 L Glute
075 L Knee
076 R Glute
077 R Knee
080 L UpperArm
081 L Forearm Twist
082 R Upperarm
083 R Forearm Twist
084 L Foot Attachment
085 R Foot Attachment
100 Scoutfly Bone
101 Slinger Track
102 Slinger T
103 Slinger R
104 Slinger L
150 Physics Bone 1
151-198 Physics Bone 2-49
199 Physics Bone 50
247 Hip Attachment 5
248 Hip Attachment 6
249 Hip Attachment 7
250 Hip Attachment 8
251 Hip Attachment 9
252 Hip Attachment 10
253 Hip Attachment 11
254 Back Attachment 1