test_launch - Extended-Object-Detection-ROS/wiki_english GitHub Wiki

Test launch

1. usb-camera

To start the recognition system using the image received from the USB camera as input, you need to execute the following command. The camera must be on the system as /dev/video0. Also requires an installed package usb_cam.

roslaunch extended_object_detection extended_object_detection_example.launch

The rviz window will appear, where the recognition results will be translated. The test run takes place on the basis of objects, which contains examples of all kinds of features in various combinations, so the number of recognized objects can make it difficult to understand what is happening. To disable some objects, use service.

2. kinect

An installed openni driver is required to run using kinect. In the case of ROS Noetic, it must be installed from source.

roslaunch extended_object_detection extended_object_detection_kinect_example.launch

The rviz window should also display the point cloud obtained from the kinect, and some objects should be localized in space. Recognition takes place on the same base as in the case of a USB camera, therefore it is recommended to use service, чтобы отключить часть объектов.