ros_srv - Extended-Object-Detection-ROS/wiki_english GitHub Wiki


1. SetSimpleObjects

File: srv/SetObjects.srv

Service description

# Change sheet containing object identifiers according to the object base
# To add an object, add its identifier to the list
# To remove an object, add its identifier to the list with a minus sign
int64[] changes

# If true, then removes all objects from the list (the node does not detect anything)
bool remove_all

# If true, then adds all objects from the database to the recognition list
bool add_all

# If remove_all and add_all are both true then nothing happens
# Object sheet for recognition after changes
int64[] result

Allows you to add and remove objects to the node recognition list extended_object_detection_node.

Video tutorial on using the service

  • Language: russian
  • Subtitles: no

Service Example