Arcgis editor for osm feature service - Esri/arcgis-osm-editor GitHub Wiki

The ArcGIS Editor for OpenStreetMap team provides prototype development of a Server Componet for the ArcGIS Editor for OpenStreetMap. This server component would allow an organization to create editable feature services based on OSM data, that can be consumed by a variety of clients (e.g., mobile, map viewers, iPad, iPhone). The feature services are maintained in ArcGIS Server.

IMPORTANT: This functionality is a prototype. It is highly recommended that you contact the ArcGIS Editor for OSM team if you are interested in deploying the Server Component.

Table of Contents

System Requirements

Operating Systems

The following operating systems have been tested with the Server Component. If you find other OS that work well, please let us know. Note, 32 bit systems are not supported for the Server Component.

  • Windows 2003 Server SP2 64 bit (note - will not work with MS SQL Server - see known issue 11233.
  • Windows 2008 Server 64-bit
  • Windows 2008 R2 Server 64-bit
  • Windows 7, 64-bit
Internet Information Services (IIS)

IIS is required for the Server component,and you must enable the following role services:

Web Server

  • Common HTTP Features
    • Static Content
    • Default Document
    • HTTP Errors
  • Application Development
    • ASP .NET
    • ISAPI Extensions
    • ISAPI Filters
  • Health and Diagnostics
    • HTTP Logging
  • Security
    • Basic Authentication
    • Windows Authentication
Management Tools
  • IIS Management Console
Third Party Components The installer checks for certain third party components. If not present, a dialog will appear giving you the option to agree to their license and install them, or exit the installation.
  • Microsoft SQL Server Compact 4.0
  • Microsoft ASP.Net MVC3
  • Microsoft Entity Framework
ArcGIS for Server
  • ArcGIS for Server 10.1

ArcSDE can be installed locally or on a different server. Note that if installed on a different server, you may need to add an entry (e.g., "esri_sde" 5151/tcp #ArcSDE) for the sde service in the local c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\services file. You can update the \\C$\inetpub\wwwroot\OSM\web.config file for where the SDE file is: <add key="DatabaseConnection" value="C:\Data\OSM\Mxds\osmdevsde.sde" />

Both the windows service or the direct connect setups for ArcSDE will work.

  • ArcSDE for SQL Server
    • SQL Server 2005 SP2 & SP3 (32-bit)
    • SQL Server 2005 SP2 & SP3 (64-bit)
    • SQL Server 2008 Final - R2 (64-bit)
    • SQL Server Express 2008 R2 (64 bit)
  • ArcSDE for Oracle
    • Oracle 11g R2 (64-bit)
  • ArcSDE for Postgres
    • PostgreSQL 8.4.9-1 (32-bit)


Server Component for 10.1

To install the ArcGIS Editor for OSM Server component on ArcGIS 10.1, you will need to work through the screens the installer presents carefully. The installer has many automatic checks for connections to ensure that the information you provide is adequate for installing the server component. You may notice a delay after inputting information in the wizard screen – this occurs because the installer is doing those checks. Follow the steps below.

  • Launch the installer by double-clicking the setup.exe. Begin the installation, accepting the license presented.
  • Upon accepting the license, you will be notified that in addition to installing the ArcGIS Editor for OSM Server component, the installation will also install three other components – Microsoft SQL Server Compact 4.0, Microsoft ASP.Net MVC3, and Microsoft Entity Framework – if not already present. These components have a different license than the license for the ArcGIS Editor for OSM, and so you will be prompted to accept the licenses for those components later in the installation process. Click β€œYes” to acknowledge this and proceed to the next screen.
  • On the next screen, you will enter information that connects the ArcGIS Editor for OSM with your ArcGIS Server instance, as shown and described below:
  • Parameters:
    • Server Name: Name of the server hosting ArcGIS Server.
    • Instance URL: The URL to your ArcGIS Server instance.
    • ArcGIS Server Primary Site Administrator Account: This is the username and password of the ArcGIS Server user who can access the ArcGIS Server site where your services will be created and maintained.
    • Publishing User: The username and password of an ArcGIS Server user who can publish services. If this user should be the same as the ArcGIS Server Primary Site Administrator Account, check the box that indicates this.
  • Click Next. The next screen shows more parameters for creating your feature service. Fill out the fields as shown and described below:
  • Fill out:
    • OSM Application Admin User: username and password to a user who has access to the inetpub directory for IIS, and the local folder structure for creating/storing the generated mxd files. If this user should be the same as the ArcGIS Server Primary Site Administrator Account, check the box that indicates this.
    • Directories - Working Folder: where the template MXDs and ArcSDE geodatabase information is stored. Default is C:\Data\OSM.
    • Directories - Output Folder: where the output MXD ArcGIS Server uses for the feature service is stored. Default is C:\arcgisserver\directories\arcgisoutput.
    • SDE Platform: Indicate which of the three supported database platforms you are using for SDE.
  • Click Next. Now you will be presented with fields to further describe the SDE connection. Fill these out as shown and described below:
  • Fill out:
    • Database Server instance: servername of the machine hosting sde service (must be accessible to the machine upon which ArcGIS Editor for OSM - Server is being installed).
    • Database: name of the sde database
    • User Name: sde username
    • Password: sde password
    • Version: version of the sde database (typically 'sde.DEFAULT')
  • Click Next. Now you will be presented with a file path to where the ArcGIS Editor for OSM Server files will be installed. Change this if you like, and click Next to proceed with the installation. Important: this is not an installer you can just leave - remember that you will be prompted to accept licenses from the three Third Party Components. The installer will eventually timeout if you don't respond to prompts.
  • When the installer is finished, a page will launch with instructions on how to access your new feature service creation interface and what to do next. See ArcGIS Editor for OSM Feature Service for how to use the newly installed Feature Service interface.
  • Important: After the installation completes, check that the datastore was correctly created. For steps to check the datastore, see "About registering your data with the server". If you saw an error that looked like the following during installation, then you'll need to verify the registration. Steps are also provided below.

To remedy this, you'll need to register your datastore with the ArcGIS Server instance after the installer completes. If you proceed with creating feature services with the Create Feature Service interface, your services will not be created successfully and contain errors.

First, open ArcCatalog and create an Administration connection to the ArcGIS Server instance where you installed the ArcGIS Editor for OSM Server Component. After creating the Administrative connection, right click on the connection and select "Server Properties", as shown below:

When the Server Properties dialog opens, select the 'Data Store' tab. On the Data Store tab, if there is an existing connection showing in the 'Registered Databases' window, remove it. Now, assuming there is no connection is showing in the Registered Database window, click the large Plus button to the right. You will have the option to add or import a connection file. Select 'Import', and browse to the connection file at the location where the ArcGIS Editor for OSM Server Component stores its mxd information, e.g., C:\Data\OSM\MXDS by default. Select the file with the ".sde" suffix, as shown below.

After adding this connection, there should be a green checkmark next to the connection in the Registered Databases window. You can close the dialog, and proceed with using the installed ArcGIS Editor for OSM Server Component (no need to reinstall or restart any services).

Important Note - Don't get yourself blocked!

Important: The server component provides the capability to easily create feature services. It does not limit the number of services you create or the synchronization interval times of these services. However, OpenStreetMap does enforce limits on how much bandwidth can be used by a single IP address (see [url:OSM's]). If you exceed the allotted bandwidth, your IP address may be blocked from accessing OSM. To prevent being blocked, we highly recommend that you limit the number of services you have running and synchronizing with OSM concurrently. Delete services that you no longer use, and choose the longest synchronization intervals appropriate to your project.

How to Create a Feature Service using the interface

At the top of the Feature List page (accessible via http://<serverName>/OSM), there is an option to Create New Feature Service. Click this link. The Create new Feature Service inteface opens. Fill out the fields as described below, and click Create service.


What section

In the 'What' section, use the map to define the area for which you would like to create a feature service of OSM data. Zoom and pan the map to the area of interest. Note that the larger the area, the longer it will take to create the service. If you select an area that is too large - e.g., would exceed the allowable number of nodes downloadable from OSM - the Create service button greys out and you won't be able to create the service.

How section

There are three parts to the How section:

  • Name the feature service: give the feature service a name. Should be all one word, and not begin with a number or special character.
  • Got a special template in mind?: select from the dropdown a symbolization template to be applied. These templates represent selected OSM features for symbolization in the map. You can develop your own template for your own scenario as well. Recommended to use are the 'Minimal' template - which shows only point, line, and polygons as symbolization, or the 'Emergency' template - which shows features of interest in an Emergency Management scenario. Do not use the 'All' template, as it contains symbolization for all the downloaded OSM features. If selected, it is likely that your feature service will not start because of all the layers that will be included in the service. The All template can be used as a base for a custom template.
  • Synchronize with OpenStreetMap?: Checking this box opens a sub-menu, and indicates that you'd like your feature service to be automatically synchronized with OpenStreetMap. The synchronization can go two-ways: edits you make are synchronized back to OSM at an interval, and edits done to OSM for your area of interest are synchronized back into your map. To configure the service for synchronization, you must enter your OSM username and password. Every edit done to OSM using the service will go under your OSM username and password, even if you do not do the edit yourself. Also, select a Refresh interval for how often you want the two way synchronization to take place. If you do not check the Synchronize with OpenStreetMap? checkbox, then edits made through the feature service will not be uploaded to OSM nor will OSM edits be downloaded back to your feature service.
After filling out the fields

Click Create service to launch a request to the server to create the service using the parameters you entered. Click Cancel if you decide not to create the service.

It may take a few minutes for the service to be created. When it is, you will see a Download Completed message in the interface, a view of the data in the feature service to the map at the left, and a link to the feature service and map service created in ArcGIS for Server.

How to Manage Feature Services that have been created

Once a feature service is created, you can see it listed in the List of Services. Options for each service are:

  • Launch the Javascript Editor by clicking the Edit feature data link. See Editing Features for how to use the Javascript Editor.
  • Access the ArcGIS Server rest page for the service by clicking the ArcGIS Server rest link for the service.
  • Change the synchronization interval for the service by clicking the change link.
  • Delete the service by clicking the Remove link.

How to Edit features using the feature service

See the Editing Features topic for information on how to use the Javascript editor to edit the feature service.

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