Using the mod - ErinaSugino/Starbound-SBR-Mod GitHub Wiki


Getting the right version

Sexbound Reborn comes in two versions - a pak-ed version and a source version.

The pak-ed version is the standard version to be used by most users. The entire source code of the mod as well as larger config files are minified, and the entire mod compressed into Starbound's native .pak archive file. This is done to reduce file sizes and loading times for a better experience, however means that even when un-pak-ing this version of the mod you will not get any useful data to work with.
This version is the best for normal users.
In addition to the .pak containing the mod itself, the .zip file contains another folder. This second folder contains a secondary "mod" which gives readable editing access to Sexbound Reborn's config files. This addition is only necessary when you want to change SBR's configuration and will only work when used alongside SBR itself.

In order to install the pak-ed version, move the .zip into your Starbound mod folder (.../SteamFolder/SteamApps/common/Starbound/mods) and select extract here. You should now have a .pak file and a folder named sexbound-reborn-config in there.

The source version contains the mod as-is - all source assets in readable form in just a plain folder. This increases file sizes and loading times, however gives detailed insight and access to the mod in order to understand or modify it.
This version is the best for developers.

In order to install the source version, move the .zip into your Starbound mod folder (.../SteamFolder/SteamApps/common/Starbound/mods) and select extract here. You should now have a folder sexbound in there; You can rename that to include a version number if you want to keep track.


When following the above instructions always make sure that the file structure in your mods folder stays consistent. Starbound only cares for folders and .pak files inside .../mods. For a mod folder to be properly recognized it cannot be nested. Make sure the mod's _metadata file is located at .../mods/<modname>/_metadata.

For way more detailed troubleshooting of all the common user errors so you don't annoy the people with the 100th report of "stuff not working, why?", look into the Advanced Troubleshooting Guide.

Upgrading from Original Sexbound

Theoretically Sexbound Reborn was developed as a new version of Sexbound. Which means that old data structures from the original mod attempt to be converted to the new data format of Reborn, and hence old savegames should be able to be used continously.

Generally, however, the golden rule for installing and changing big, intrusive mods to Starbound stays applicable: In order to be safe that everything works properly, better start a new character in a new universe. If you intend to use your old savefiles, make a backup prior to playing by making a copy of .../storage/player and .../storage/universe.


Since most of SBR's changes to the game and features happen in the background or solely during sexual interaction there is not much to say about the mod usage. Primarily just play the game. When enabled you will also have to confirm that you are over 18 years of age before playing.

When creating a new character or loading an existing character that never before played with the mod installed you should get a codex item with more information and the item Sexbound Customizer into your inventory. Using the customizer at any time will open a UI window containing statistics about your character and options to customize it. Other than that, however, the only real way to check if you installed the mod correctly is by either trying to get into interaction or by looking into the log file.

Other addon mods may add more variety to interaction and control, though SBR itself only offers the features of the old mod formerly known as Naturally Horny. NPCs will naturally gain arousal over time and at some point seek out sexual interaction by themselves. Joining them will then open the main Sex UI window giving control and information about the current interaction.

In order to sexually interact with an NPC or - in multiplayer - another player you need to lounge (i.e. "sit down") in a so-called sexnode. That is a supported piece of furniture which is configured to enable sexual interaction on it. Most vanilla Starbound table furniture objects are compatible sexnodes, as well as a handful of selected special Sexbound furniture. On top of that you can obtain - either by looting or buying it at the outpost - SxB Addons. These addons can be placed on most theoretically compatible beds and other furniture objects to make them sexnodes. Keep in mind that when an addon is placed on, e.g., a bed you will see the heart icon of the addon over said furniture piece. You need to click on that icon to enter the sexnode, clicking on the furniture itself will make you lounge on the normal piece of furniture and kick out anyone currently in the sexnode.
Addons are available in two Tiers - T1 which allows two people at the same time, and T2 which allows up to three people at a time. However, not all positions are available all the time.

Sexbound Reborn offers complex pregnancy mechanics to keep in mind while playing, alongside interesting elements to find in the world. More mechanics will follow in the future.

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