Advanced Troubleshooting - ErinaSugino/Starbound-SBR-Mod GitHub Wiki
Installed your favorite Sex™ and now things aren't working? Slapped your 500 outdated mods for original SxB into SBR and your PC exploded? "They aren't doing the thing"? This guide aims to lead you through the process of making sure you didn't mess up something as simple as following instructions and installing mods, one hurdle at a time - just so that I can point back at it and don't have to answer the same three questions over and over again!
Before even trying to attempt finding the error in your mod setup, make sure your mods are even properly set up. When you have a mod that comes as a .pak
then things are easy: Just put the mod, into the mod folder. Done. Easy. When the mod comes as - or you choose to take the - source version, usually delivered as a .zip
, .7z
or .rar
archive; well, things are technically just as easy and yet people seem to have trouble with this step.
Starbound's mod loading mechanic is as simple as can be: Look for mods, in the mod folder. What that means in reality is "look for assets in the folders inside of the mods folder, and ideally a _metadata file." And for simplicity's sake, a .pak is just a folder you cannot open. So what Starbound does is go into the mods folder, then go into every folder or .pak file (everything else will be ignored), look for a _metadata
file to detect what mod this is and when to load it, and then make all the files inside the specific mod available at their respective location, overriding files with the same name at the same path loaded before.
So these mod's folders cannot be nested. And they can also not be directly inside the mods folder. There always has to be exactly one folder in-between. What that folder is name literally doesn't matter - other than for you to ask yourself later "Wtf is this?". So when getting the .zip
(or similar) of a source mod, assuming you have 7zip installed like a smart person, do the following:
Open the .zip and look inside, by right-clicking and selecting "7zip -> open".
Now, based on what you see, there are two options on what to do:
If you see a single folder named like the mod inside the zip, select "7zip -> Extract here"
If you see a metric ton of files and folders (i.e. the mod's actual content), select "7zip -> Extract files"
This should do the trick, unless the mod creator fucked up the zip beyond salvation. Some mod creators (like me) even give you handy instructions on how to properly install/extract the mod, so you can just follow those, but keeping in mind how it should look and work is always a good backup.
Tl;dr What you need to do:
For .pak
Put the .pak into /mods
. Done.
For folders
You want /mods/<mod folder name>/<_metadata file and everything else>
You don't want /mods/<folder a>/<folder b>/<_metadata & friends>
You don't want /mods/<_metadata & the mess you just created>
Always keep your mods folder tidily sorted!
Or in other words: The ability to read and follow instructions. Mods are finicky business. Especially in Starbound. One misstep and your game will explode like a super nova - or even worse, your universe save might become unusable and you have to start over from scratch. So let's make sure this doesn't happen by listening to the words of stern warning of the mod creators and keeping track of both known incompatibilities and dependencies.
Here are the most common occurences of oopsies people run into, like, every five minutes:
Don't. No seriously, this isn't a biased "bad mod don't use" rant, this is a reminder that Lustbound Base is part of SBR since version 1.1. That is to say, the entire mod is part of SBR, if you want to or not. As such, installing one of the ancient old, outdated and partially broken versions available around of the old standalone Lustbound mod will just break your Sexbound Reborn installation. So yeet that Lustbound Base
and Lustbound Base Manager
folders/.paks and everything works like a charm again! Of course you can and should keep every other Lustbound Addon, like the one for Omnibrowser or Aphrodite's Bow. SBR 1.1+ works identically to Lustbound when it comes to installing additional addons.
Get the Aphrodite's Bow SBR patch. It literally only exists to make the mod compatible with SBR. If you don't certain stuff related to AB will not work properly as it tries to use old mechanics that changed in SBR. You will find the patch in the download section right next to the main mod. Despite it being named a "patch", install it like any other mod. Don't try to replace files anywhere. When in doubt, see Step 1 on how to do that.
Make sure to use the right version. As the main mod description states (as of the time of this writing), that would be 4.2.0 and up. Don't try to use 4.0.1, don't try to use your ancient copy from years ago, just use the right version. It's that simple. If there is a required version, it will be clearly highlighted. There might even be more instructions on the other mod's page (POV Redux) explaining you more about which exact version/download you need.
Just like above, make sure to use the right version. Unlike above, this task is a bit harder. As of the time of this writing, the creator of TeratoScenes does not care about user friendly instructions, and the different downloadable versions available for the mod are weirdly all over the place. The right version you are looking for is clearly highlighted on SBR's main mod page, however, that is only to make sure you update your ancient old stuff and don't try to copy your Sexbound 2.x.x files over. The important part here is to choose the right file to download. Currently, this is the one that starts with SxB_
in its filename.
So you followed Step 1 and 2 to the T, made sure you're a smart boi and did everything right - all your mods are installed correctly, all your dependencies in order. And the Sex™ still doesn't do the thing. What now? Chances are you are just confused that nothing happens automatically. In which case, please inform yourself about the differences between SxB and SBR by reading up on the full changelog, or the UI guide.
If that however isn't it, and there is stuff still broken - potentially evident by the UI never appearing, actors turning invisible, NPCs becoming unresponsive, ... let's look at other error sources. Like using mods you should not use with SBR.
Answer the following question: Do you use Naturally Horny
, Sexbound Extended Dialogue
or Alluring Toys Co.
Delete them. Now. The mods are literally fully integrated into SBR. Adding them adds nothing to the game. However, removing them makes your game run good.
Your world is crashing randomly, throwing you back to your ship? Do you happen to have installed some of the Alternative extensions to Teratophilia? Something something Terramons? You should look up in the forum threads for these mods, because at least one of them is widely known to cause this error, which however can be fixed by an unofficial patch. (However if you got this far, I won't slap you for just opening a thread to ask for help yourself.)
If you're still here, diligently reading this very guide and following all the instructions given to you because you know that any problem already covered here will be ignored in reports and accounted to "user incompetence", but your Sex™ still doesn't do the thing - wow, there is probably an actual problem somewhere.
You now have two options.
Option 1: Go over to the newly opened Trouble Shooting Discussion, look if someone has already reported something similar, and if not, go ahead and create a new thread. Explain your problem in detail, append your log file (don't forget to turn on info
and debug
level logging in SBR's main config file!) and wait for the next free adult to help you fix your Sex™.
Option 2: If you are confident the problem does not lie with what horrendous things you have done to Starbound, but actually is a bug or new incompatibility with another mod that could use some fixing on our end - go over to the Issues section and properly report the assumed bug in glorious detail. No detail too small.
Also, please make sure you have a good reason to post it as either a Discussion thread or Issue, but worst case I'll just move it to the right category.