UI explained - ErinaSugino/Starbound-SBR-Mod GitHub Wiki

UI colored This is the main Sex UI that you will see when lounging in a sexnode, which controls all the action. It has a metric ton of buttons and can be very confusing on first sight, especially with the mechanic changes Sexbound Reborn introduces compared to Original Sexbound. This guide will walk you through every element of the UI, what it does, and how to use it. To split up the whole UI into managable parts I color-coded the main image by the actual modules of the UI as they are found in the source code.

Positions - Red

Positions numbers

The inner circle and most important tool, It consists of the 8 available position buttons [1] which will show the icon of an available position when there are some. Clicking on these buttons will switch to the corresponsing position. Upon switching it attempts to keep the current roles of all actors, but will automatically change to the first available actor composition if your current distribution of actors does not work for the new position. The currently active position will be displayed as text at the bottom. If there are more than 8 available positions to choose from, the arrow buttons [2] & [6] let you switch pages.

Manually changing the roles of the actors - if possible - is done via the half-circle buttons [3] & [5]. E.g. switch between penetrating and being penetrated. All currently available actor compositions are stored in a sorted list, and the left and right half of the button allow you to cycle through them backwards and forwards respectively. Upon changing the position or adding a new actor mid-action the system tries to retain the current roles, however if this is impossible or an actor leaves mid-action the roles are re-evaluated and the first available sorting chosen.

The final button in the middle [4] which in-game will have a pause icon on it is to switch back to idling at any time. Joining a sexnode starts you in idling until you choose a position. When an actor joins or leaves and the currently used position becomes unavailable it also switches back to idling for you to choose a new position that is available. During idling, climax points decrease and - obviously - no action is happening.

Climax - Blue

Climax numbers

Right around the inner positions circle are the climax bars [2]. You will recognize that these bars are separated into four repeating parts - which is because there is one for each of up to four different actors. In the order of top left, top right, bottom right and bottom left. These bars fill white to indicate how many of the maximum 100 climax points said actor has. When these are higher than the config set threshold value, clicking on the bar triggers a climax for that actor. During the climax state, the bar empties at a config set rate and the actor's climax ends when it is empty - meaning the longer you wait, the longer the climax.

Between the bars of two actors are the special climax buttons [1]. What looks like cosmetic separators is also clickable - if the two actors whose climax bars are separated are at 100%. Doing so triggers a scripted climax - a more detailed scripted animation of a special climax which doesn't follow normal rules, lets all actors climax at the exact same time and give twice the arousal penalty.

Outfits - Green

Clothes numbered

The outermost ring of clickables is controlling visible clothing during sex. Separated into the four corners for the four potential actors just like the climax bars, each one consists of a button for head [1], chest [2], back [3] and leg [4] slot items. Despite the many clickable things on screen, this is mostly irrelevant as there will not be much compatible clothing to begin with. By default only hats are available since they currently do not need to be animated. Every of these individual buttons have a tiny panel with two more even tinier buttons on them. Yes these, too, are clickable and are used to toggle variants - if existent - of compatible clothing. Something that by default has absolutely no purpose, though there may be addon mods out there offering support for certain clothes.

POV - Yellow

This category is actually simple for once - both in looks and function - which is why I do not include another image with numbers. There is only two elements to the POV part: The giant square and the buttons right of it. The giant square is the render canvas for anything POV related. Unless there is some POV content to render, this doesn't exist. And guess what, Sexbound Reborn by default does not have any POV content, all of this is managed by other mods. However, should you have a mod that adds content here, Sexbound Reborn manages this content in layers. Each layer from each mod that exists at the same time (and is working properly) adds a button on the right with which you can enable or disable this specific layer. Your settings will be saved between sessions. When multiple layers are available and enabled the system goes from top to bottom and the first layer having something to actually render will do so. So by turning certain layers on or off you can control exactly what content you want to see or not see.