Pipeline Runner GUI Configuration - DeepPhe/DeepPhe-Release GitHub Wiki

Configuring the DeepPhe Pipeline Runner GUI

Welcome to the DeepPhe Pipeline Runner GUI

Before we run, we first need to configure the GUI to process the example patient reports. Set the parameters as follows:
(To change Input and Output directories you have to click the blue folder on the right end of the rows and select the file destination)
(To change Neo4jUri, Neo4jUser, or Neo4jPass you have to click the blank space and type in the Information)

  • InputDirectory: /Users/yourHomeDirectory/DeepPheDocs
  • OutputDirectory: /Users/yourHomeDirectory/DeepPheDocsOutput (directory must exist on filesystem)
  • StartNeo4j: (leave blank)
  • StopNeo4j: (leave blank)
  • Neo4jUri: bolt://
  • Neo4jUser: neo4j
  • Neo4jPass: neo4jpass
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