Advanced Topics - DeepPhe/DeepPhe-Release GitHub Wiki

Advanced Topics

Overview of evaluating system results

You can use DeepPhe-Viz to see the results of the system.

If you make changes to the system configuration, if you customize the system code, or if you change the formatting of the files you input to the system, you could use a text file comparison (diff) tool to see how your changes affect the system output.

Development data

The pipeline was developed using separate training and development sets from 8 corpora. The corpora included notes from 4 sites and 3 cancer types. There was also variation in note types and counts per patient in the corpora. Results of system evaluations are pending publication. Note TypesPatient Representation

More documentation

  1. Visit the DeepPhe-Viz project.
  2. Visit the Pages section of the sidebar on this page to see all the base DeepPhe system documentation.