BehaviorManifest - DauntlessStudio/Bedrock-Developments GitHub Wiki
A class for working with manifest files.
- addDependencies
- replacer
- serialize
- toFile
- createFilePath
- createFromTemplate
- deserialize
- fromFile
- fromPathOrTemplate
• new BehaviorManifest(filepath
, template
): BehaviorManifest
Name | Type |
filepath |
string |
template |
IManifest |
• Optional
dependencies: (IManifestDependencyPack
| IManifestDependencyScript
• filePath: string
• format_version: number
• header: IManifestHeader
• Optional
metadata: Object
Name | Type |
authors |
string [] |
• modules: IManifestModule
• get
DirectoryPath(): string
The directory where this type of file is kept.
▸ addDependencies(uuids
, scripts
): void
Name | Type |
uuids |
string [] |
scripts |
string [] |
▸ replacer(key
, value
): any
Name | Type |
key |
string |
value |
any |
▸ serialize(): string
A string representation of this object.
Serializes this object to a string.
▸ toFile(handleExisting?
): File
Name | Type | Description |
handleExisting? |
"overwrite" | "overwrite_silent"
How to handle existing files. Undefined will not overwrite, 'overwite' replaces the file with this object, 'overwrite_silent' does the same with no terminal log. |
A File object with this MinecraftDataType's filepath, and this object serialized as the file contents.
Creates a File object from this MinecraftDataType.
▸ createFilePath(nameData
): string
Name | Type | Description |
nameData |
NameData |
The namedata to use when creating the filepath. |
The filepath as a string.
Creates a filepath for this object type from a NameData.
▸ createFromTemplate(): BehaviorManifest
An instance of this data type.
Creates a new instance of the data type using reasonable defaults from a NameData.
▸ deserialize<T
, filepath
, json
): T
Name |
T |
Name | Type | Description |
create |
(filePath : string , template : any ) => T
The child of MinecraftDataType to create. |
filepath |
string |
The filepath the MinecraftDataType can be written to with toFile. |
json |
string |
The source string this should be deserialized from. |
An instance of the MinecraftDataType child provided.
Creates an instace of a MinecraftDataType child from a source string, used in fromFile.
▸ fromFile<T
, file
): T
Name |
T |
Name | Type | Description |
create |
(filePath : string , template : any ) => T
The child of MinecraftDataType to create. |
file |
File |
The File object used to deserialize into this object. |
An instance of the MinecraftDataType child provided.
Crates an instance of a MinecraftDataTypeChild from a File.
▸ fromPathOrTemplate<T
, path
): T
Name |
T |
Name | Type | Description |
create |
(filePath : string , template : any ) => T
The child of MinecraftDataType to create. |
path |
string |
The filepath to create the object from. |
The deserialized file as a child of MinecraftDataType, or this object's createFromTemplate default if the file doesn't exist.
Creates a MinecraftDataType object from a filepath, or a template if that filepath doesn't exist.