DefaultViewBoundsResolver - DataDog/dd-sdk-android GitHub Wiki

object DefaultViewBoundsResolver : ViewBoundsResolver

View utility methods needed in the Session Replay Wireframe Mappers. This class is meant for internal usage so please use it with careful as it might change in time.



open override fun resolveViewGlobalBounds(view: View, screenDensity: Float): GlobalBounds

Resolves the View bounds in device space, and normalizes them based on the screen density. Example: if a device has a DPI = 2, the value of the dimension or position is divided by 2 to get a normalized value.


the computed view bounds

view the View
screenDensity the current device screen density


open override fun resolveViewPaddedBounds(view: View, screenDensity: Float): GlobalBounds

Resolves the View bounds in device space excluding the padding, and normalizes them based on the screen density. Example: if a device has a DPI = 2, the value of the padding is divided by 2 to get a normalized value.


the computed view padding

view the View
screenDensity the current device screen density