BaseViewGroupMapper - DataDog/dd-sdk-android GitHub Wiki

open class BaseViewGroupMapper<T : ViewGroup>(viewIdentifierResolver: ViewIdentifierResolver, colorStringFormatter: ColorStringFormatter, viewBoundsResolver: ViewBoundsResolver, drawableToColorMapper: DrawableToColorMapper) : BaseAsyncBackgroundWireframeMapper<T> , TraverseAllChildrenMapper<T>

A basic abstract WireframeMapper to extend when mapping ViewGroup implementations.

This class extends both BaseAsyncBackgroundWireframeMapper and TraverseAllChildrenMapper, ensuring that all children of the ViewGroup will be mapped by the relevant mappers.


T the type of the ViewGroup to map
viewIdentifierResolver the ViewIdentifierResolver (to resolve a view or children stable id)
colorStringFormatter the ColorStringFormatter to transform Color into HTML hex strings
viewBoundsResolver the ViewBoundsResolver to get a view boundaries in density independent units
drawableToColorMapper the DrawableToColorMapper to convert a background drawable into a solid color



constructor(viewIdentifierResolver: ViewIdentifierResolver, colorStringFormatter: ColorStringFormatter, viewBoundsResolver: ViewBoundsResolver, drawableToColorMapper: DrawableToColorMapper)

T the type of the ViewGroup to map
viewIdentifierResolver the ViewIdentifierResolver (to resolve a view or children stable id)
colorStringFormatter the ColorStringFormatter to transform Color into HTML hex strings
viewBoundsResolver the ViewBoundsResolver to get a view boundaries in density independent units
drawableToColorMapper the DrawableToColorMapper to convert a background drawable into a solid color