CodeArchitecture - Data2Dynamics/d2d GitHub Wiki

Model and Data Setup, Parameter Estimations


Architecture of the code and the most important commands of the D2D framework. After initialization with arInit, model and data files can be loaded. The latter ones are allowed in various formats. The command arCompileAll links all model and data files under the various conditions and creates C code. The central ar struct is created. For further information on the ar struct, click here. One can also invoke help arStruct for additional information. Simulation and parameter estimations are performed under MATLAB. Obtained results can be visualised with arPlot. Results can be saved and loaded from a workspace.mat file and presentations and reports can be created automatically created for documentation. A more detailed overview over important commands can be found here.

Profile Likelihood Estimations


An important feature of the D2D framework is the ability of Profile Likelihood Estimations (PLE). An existing ar struct (see above) can be used to initialise ar.ple. Results of ple can be loaded, saved, plotted and reported separately with respective commands.