Objective 4: Tinkers' Construct Smeltery - DartisXUI/Vanilla-Plus-Ultra GitHub Wiki
Minimum Materials: (3 stacks each + 6 glass for deluxe)
- 92 x Sand
- 90 x Clay
- 90 x Gravel
Crafting 1:
- 90 x Sand + 90 x Clay + 90 x Gravel into 180 x Grout
- NOTE: Craft when able – will reduce 3 stacks into 2
- 2 x Sand into 2xGlass
- 180 x Grout into 180 x Seared Bricks (Items)
Crafting 2:
- 1 x Smeltery Controller
- 2 x Seared Tanks (6 for deluxe)
- 2 x Casting Tables (3 for deluxe)
- 1 x Casting Basin (3 for deluxe)
- 3 x Smeltery Drains (6 for deluxe)
- 3 x Seared Faucets (6 for deluxe)
- 26 x Seared Bricks (Block) (all for deluxe?)
Smeltery Construction:
Dig out a 3x3 hole in the floor and fill it with the Seared Brick (Block) to make a Base
Place the 2 x Smeltery Drains on the floor in-line with the 5x5 boarder of the 3x3 Base
In front of those Smeltery Drains, dig another hole and place the Casting Table & Casting Basin
While looking at your Smeltery Drains, hold Shift and RClick 1 x Seared Faucet onto them, so they sit above your Casting Basin & Casting Table
Complete the boarder of the Base by placing more Seared Brick (Block)s until you form a 5x5 Ring
On top of your Smeltery Drains, place a Seared Tank (these will need to be filled with Lava to use the Smeltery)
Next to the Seared Tanks, place your Smelery Controller
Fill this current Ring level with more Seared Brick (Block)s OPTIONAL: You can build this as high as you want – but doing so will only increase the amount of material you can hold at once