Whole paranome and ortholog Ks distributions using wgd package - DR-genomics/Genomics-pipelines GitHub Wiki

Workflow - Performed in WVU HPC Thornyflat cluster

Mvim vs Sbi - all vs all blastp and mcl clustering analysis using wgd mcl command via wgd singularity image

Job submission script

#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=8
#PBS -l walltime=36:00:00
#PBS -m ae
##PBS -q standby 
#PBS -q cfb0001

module load singularity/2.5.1
module load lang/python/cpython_3.8.6_gcc93

cd /users/dramacha

singularity exec wgd.simg wgd mcl -s MvimTranscript.fasta,SbiCDS.fasta --mcl --cds --one_v_one -o wgd_blast_MvimSbi_may5 -n 8 -id Mvim,Sbi -e 1e-10