Circos plots - DR-genomics/Genomics-pipelines GitHub Wiki

Gene, TE distribution - histogram

Create windows - genome file

bedtools makewindows -g ../M.vimineum.hirise.unmasked.sizes -w 1000000 -s 200000 > ../M.vimineum.hirise.unmasked.1MBwindow.step

Obtain gene/TE densities across the genome using bedtools coverage

bedtools coverage -a ../M.vimineum.hirise.unmasked.1MBwindow.step -b M.vim.gene.sorted.bed  > M.vim.gene.dens.1mb
bedtools coverage -a ../M.vimineum.hirise.unmasked.1MBwindow.step -b ../../EDTA_default/  > M.vim.gyp.dens.1mb
bedtools coverage -a ../M.vimineum.hirise.unmasked.1MBwindow.step -b ../../EDTA_default/  > M.vim.cop.dens.1mb

To plot the gene densities using circos, tweak the above file in a required format. To plot a histogram of gene densities in circos, the input format requires 4 columns: Chr#, start, end, a value. Extract the first four column from the above output file (gene density) using awk

awk '{print $1"\t"$2"\t"$3"\t"$4}'  M.vim.gene.dens.1mb > /usr/local/src/circos-0.69-9/csb2017/circos/exercise/M.vim.gene.dens.counts.1mb # I am copying the output to a folder (which I am currently using) within the circos package.

Now, to plot anything in circos, we need to create a chromosome file in a specific circos format ( a tab separated file => chr - ID LABEL START END COLOR). Within the working directory(see above) of circos, create a chromosome file as below

cd /usr/local/src/circos-0.69-9/csb2017/circos/exercise/

On the blank page of the document opened above, type the following,

chr     -       Scaffold_1      chr1    0       58957999        black
chr     -       Scaffold_2      chr2    0       58618279        black
chr     -       Scaffold_3      chr3    0       47925818        black
chr     -       Scaffold_4      chr4    0       67717565        black
chr     -       Scaffold_5      chr5    0       46230532        black
chr     -       Scaffold_6      chr6    0       68321696        black
chr     -       Scaffold_7      chr7    0       50536500        black
chr     -       Scaffold_8      chr8    0       53487048        black
chr     -       Scaffold_9      chr9    0       53635049        black
chr     -       Scaffold_10     chr10   0       43887252        black
chr     -       Scaffold_11     chr11   0       43392746        black
chr     -       Scaffold_12     chr12   0       41498648        black
chr     -       Scaffold_13     chr13   0       62378202        black
chr     -       Scaffold_14     chr14   0       59284269        black
chr     -       Scaffold_15     chr15   0       53488752        black
chr     -       Scaffold_16     chr16   0       53044242        black
chr     -       Scaffold_17     chr17   0       47139981        black
chr     -       Scaffold_18     chr18   0       46824051        black
chr     -       Scaffold_19     chr19   0       34755682        black
chr     -       Scaffold_20     chr20   0       33011866        black
chr     -       Scaffold_21     chr21   0       32181152        black
chr     -       Scaffold_22     chr22   0       31503307        black
chr     -       Scaffold_23     chr23   0       20982032        black

Create a configuration file as below - to display gene and LTR-RT densities along each chromosome in histogram

karyotype =
default = 0.005r
radius    = 0.8r
thickness = 20p
fill      = yes
show_label     = yes
label_font     = default
label_radius   = dims(ideogram,radius) + 0.150r
label_size     = 30
label_parallel = yes
fill_color       = dgrey
stroke_thickness = 2p

track_width = 0.09
track_pad   = 0.02
track_start = 0.95

chromosomes_units = 1000000
chromosomes_display_default = yes


# The type sets the format of the track.
type = histogram
file = M.vim.gene.dens.counts.1mb

# The track is confined within r0/r1 radius limits. When using the
# relative "r" suffix, the values are relative to the position of the
# ideogram.

r1   = 0.99r
r0   = 0.92r
fill_color = dgreen
extend_bin = no

color     = vlgreen

spacing   = 0.1r
color     = lgrey
thickness = 2

type = histogram
file = M.vim.gyp.dens.counts.1mb
r1   = 0.88r
r0   = 0.81r
fill_color = red
extend_bin =no
color     = vlred
spacing   = 0.1r
color     = lgrey
thickness = 2

type = histogram
file = M.vim.cop.dens.counts.1mb
r1   = 0.77r
r0   = 0.70r
fill_color = blue
extend_bin = no

color     = vlblue
spacing   = 0.1r
color     = lgrey
thickness = 2


# The remaining content is standard and required. It is imported
# from default files in the Circos distribution.
# These should be present in every Circos configuration file and
# overridden as required. To see the content of these files,
# look in etc/ in the Circos distribution.

# Included from Circos distribution.
<<include etc/image.conf>>

# RGB/HSV color definitions, color lists, location of fonts, fill patterns.
# Included from Circos distribution.
<<include etc/colors_fonts_patterns.conf>>
#<<include etc/colors.brewer.conf>>

# Debugging, I/O an dother system parameters
# Included from Circos distribution.
<<include etc/housekeeping.conf>>

<<include etc/ticks1.conf>>
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️