ObdalibQuestSesameVirtualWB - ConstantB/ontop-spatial GitHub Wiki

Setting up a Quest Virtual RDF Repository using the Sesame Workbench

  • Make sure your server is running (Apache Tomcat, Jetty or other)

  • Go to [http://localhost:8080/openrdf-workbench Sesame Workbench]

  • Click New repository

  • Select Quest Virtual RDF Store from the list.

  • Give an ID to your new repository, optionally also a descriptive title

  • Click '''Next'''

On the next page:

  • Type in the path of your owl file using '/' -es (ex: C:/Users/Me/Repo/MyOwl.owl)
  • Type in the path of your obda file using '/' -es (ex: C:/Users/Me/Repo/MyObda.obda)
  • Check if you want existentional reasoning (default: No)
  • Select the rewriting technique you wish to be used (default: TreeWitness)
  • Click Create

The Summary page contains your newly created repository's SPARQL endpoint URL (as Location):

Querying ==

  • The user can query the newly created repository by clicking on the Query submenu on the left-hand side:

  • Or view the entire set of triples by clicking on Export.


If you recieve an error message "Could not create Sesame Repo!", the system encountered an error upon creating your repository. This might be due to a bad mapping, a failed JDBC connection, or any other error related to the OWL or OBDA file. In order to see the cause of the problem, one has to check the log of the Tomcat or Jetty server. For more information visit our FAQ-s and Troubleshooting page.

Exporting ==

  • Exporting is equal to showing all the data in the triple store. Basically it is a general CONSTRUCT query:
CONSTRUCT {?s ?p ?o}
WHERE {?s ?p ?o}
'''Important notice''': In Virtual mode RDF data triples are gathered from the data source, hence no addition ('''Add''') is possible! Any operation regarding update and removal ('''Update''', '''Remove''' or '''Clear''') of triples is not supported!


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